DAILY RADAR France surpasses Spain in death toll, Japan prepares to EXTEND EMERGENCY


koronaradar v2 photo RAS Tanjug AP, epa christian bruna, epa angelo carconi, ShutterstockPhoto: EPA / CHRISTIAN BRUNA, EPA / ANGELO CARCONI, Tanjug / AP, Shutterstock / RAS Serbia

The number of people infected with the corona virus in the world has reached 3,294,906, while the number of deaths is 233,320.

About 1,035,000 people recovered. The good news is that the percentage of people with serious or serious illness has decreased and is now three percent.

The contagion has spread to 210 countries and territories and two international cruises.

A virus on the world map

The United States still has the most infected viruses: 1,087,441. The number of infected people is followed by Spain with 239,639 and Italy, which exceeds 205,000.

It is followed by France, where the number of infected people reached 167,178, followed by Germany with 162,530.

The United States has the highest death toll, 63,535. In second place is Italy with 27,967, and in third place is now the United Kingdom, which overtook Spain and has 26,771 deaths.

You can find more information about the number of sick and deceased in the countries of the world at this link.

List of countries with the most Crown patientsPhoto: screenshot
List of countries with the most Crown patients

Virus in Serbia

In the past 24 hours, six people have died from the corona virus, with 285 newly infected.

Until the last report, up to 6,703 citizens were examined, and the percentage of those infected was slightly higher than yesterday, although it was still below 5 percent – 4.25.

In the past 24 hours, the number of people infected with the Corona virus in Belgrade has increased, but is still less than 5 percent of those analyzed, Dr. Stevanovic said at a press conference. He drew attention to the fact that it is precisely in the capital where the epidemic is most at risk.

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

The curfew for the May Day holiday runs from today, May 30, from 6 p.m. until Saturday, May 2, until 5 p.m. On Sunday, May 3, the curfew also begins at 6 p.m.

The measure to be applied after the curfew is to prohibit the gathering of more than two people in a public area.

A virus in the world

The regional director for Europe of the World Health Organization, Hans Henry Kluge, said that the situation with the Kovida-19 pandemic in Europe, as in previous weeks, is serious.

“Three months after the WHO declared a state of emergency in the world, a curve showing the number of newborns in Western Europe has peaked, but is growing as we look east,” Kluge said in a press conference.

In Spain, 268 people have died in the last 24 hours, the lowest in the last six weeks, according to the Spanish Ministry of Health.

The number of Kovid-19 disease cases in Russia increased by 7,099 the previous day to a total of 106,498 in all regions.

Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa has announced that he will be allowed to move between municipalities after six weeks.

The number of cases of coronavirus infection in India has increased by 1,800 in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of infected to 34,862.

The total number of viruses infected with the virus in Slovenia has increased to 1,429, but the number of hospitalized patients has decreased by 12 and now stands at 63, the Slovenian government said. Slovenia is preparing to gradually launch public transport since May 11, government spokesman Jelko Kacin said today almost two months after the suspension.


In Croatia, in the last 24 hours, 14 newly infected viruses were confirmed, bringing the total number to 2,076, and two died.

Japan is preparing to extend the state of emergency for about a month due to the wreath of the virus, which was originally expected to lift on May 6, unidentified government sources said today. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told parliament that he would consult infectious disease experts to extend the state of emergency, which he declared on April 7 in seven prefectures, including Tokyo.

It would be a mistake for the UK to crack down on what has been achieved so far in the fight against the virus crown, one of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesmen announced today, hinting that the public should not expect too much to reconsider. restrictive measures scheduled for next week.

Incubation, symptoms and prevention.

Infection with a new virus crown has an incubation period of 1 to 14 days. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found new evidence that the virus can spread asymptomatically. Experts have estimated that an average of two to three people are infected for every person infected during the epidemic.

Coronary virus infections have a wide range of symptoms, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath. Milder cases cause symptoms such as colds, while more severe cases can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory disease, kidney failure, and death.

The best personal prevention is frequent hand washing and surface disinfection, the use of face masks and gloves on public transport and institutions.

Photo: RAS Serbia

Treatment of patients with the new virus crown is currently non-existent and symptoms disappear in most cases. Experts advise patients to drink plenty of fluids, rest and sleep, and if symptoms worsen, see a doctor.

Scientists around the world are competing to make the vaccine, however experts warn that it can take anywhere from 18 months to two years to test.

Important phones

Special number of the Ministry of Health on issues related to the Corona virus: 064 8945 235. Serbian Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanovic Batut”: 011 2684 566.

Let us be responsible to ourselves and to others

To allow citizens to communicate with the competent epidemiological services more quickly and efficiently, the Ministry of Health has introduced 20 additional telephone numbers for all information about the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health has opened 10 additional additional numbers, and through the same link you can contact the phone numbers of all health centers in Serbia.

Notification activation paragraph test

