DAILY CROWN RADAR Putin’s spokesman, Peskov, and one of the richest infected Russians, reappears in Wuhan


The number of corona infected with the virus in the world has exceeded four million and amounts to 4,328,598. The number of active cases is 2,465,306, while 1,571,398 cases have been closed.

The good news is that 98 percent of those infected have mild or moderate symptoms, while two percent are in a serious or critical condition.

Worldwide, 291,894 people have died from coronavirus.

The virus has spread to 212 countries worldwide and an international cruise.

Viruses on world maps

The United States still has the most commonly infected coronavirus with the virus: 1,405,915. As for the number of infected, Spain continues with 269,520 and Russia with 232,243.

The United States has the highest number of deaths, 82,280. In second place is Great Britain, which surpassed Italy (30,911) and has the highest number of deaths in Europe: 32,692.

You can see more about the number of sick and deceased in the countries of the world at this link.

List of the most threatened countries in the world.Photo: screenshot
List of the most threatened countries in the world.

Virus in Serbia

In the last 24 hours, 5,700 people were screened for the coronavirus in Serbia, and 67 newly infected people were recorded, or just 1.17 percent.

Unfortunately, from yesterday’s cross section of the condition, two people died, 23 of them are on respirators (29 yesterday were 29), while another 3,600 were recorded.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic in Serbia, 10,243 people have been infected and 220 of them have died. The mortality rate is 2.15 percent.

Of the 402 samples analyzed yesterday at Leskovac, 23 are positive for the corona virus, of which 6 are workers at the South Korean company “Jura”. The total number of sick workers in that factory since the beginning of the epidemic is 64.

Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

Serbia will open the borders for the flow of people completely from June 1, but “Blic” has learned with four neighboring countries. As we discovered, the movement with northern Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina will be fully liberalized, says our source.

Citizens coming to Serbia from abroad must have a negative PCR test in the crown, no longer than 72 hours, and those who do not have it will have to spend 14 days in isolation at home, it was decided today at the session of Crisis Staff, but as epidemiologist Dr. Predrag said However, for children under 12, testing will not be required.

The virus in the world

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov fell ill with the crown virus. He is in the hospital, reports Lenta.ru. “Yes. I got sick. I’m being treated,” said Peskov. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin also contracted the coronavirus in late April and has been in hospital since then.

Photo: A. P. / RAS Serbia

The day of the record number of coronavirus infections is a strange time to announce the easing of the measures, but that is exactly what Russian President Vladimir Putin did on Monday, as he announced that the “non-working days” introduced by the Kremlin in late March they would end on Tuesday.

Spartak Moscow owner Leonid Fedun has a corona virus. The epidemic has gained momentum in Russia in recent weeks, more than 220,000 people have been infected, 2,009 have died and the cruel disease has not overlooked the Russian tycoon, who owns 12 percent of the shares of the second largest oil company. Russia’s largest, Lukoil, and Moscow’s Spartak.

Due to the corona virus pandemic, around 150,000 sailors worldwide have been captured and are unable to return home. The International Federation of Transport Workers (ITF) has received several reports from crew members who are in life-threatening conditions but have been prevented from ambulance in ports, despite the fact that their illnesses are not related to the the crown.

The Chinese city of Wuhan, the first in which the KOVID-19 virus appeared, plans to evaluate the 11 million inhabitants, after new cases appeared after several weeks and after mitigation of the measures.

The Chinese Health Administration announced today that the reappearance of local groups (hot spots) of the coronavirus in recent days suggests that measures against the epidemic have yet to be relaxed.

The number of deaths from the consequences of KOVID-19 in Spain exceeded the number of deaths from any other individual disease in that country on an annual level, the ABC newspaper reported.

The number of people actively infected with the coronavirus in Austria continued to decline and fell to 1,190, down 11 less than yesterday.

The total number of people who have been tested positive since the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic in Austria has reached 15,961, but it should be noted that due to problems in reporting cases only in Vienna in that province, reported 65 cases today.

In Slovenia, 1,182 people were tested for the coronavirus on Monday, and only one person tested positive, making the total number of infected 1,461, the Slovenian government announced today.

Brazil’s largest homeless population has begun to succumb to COVID-19, and activists warn that the worst is yet to come with colder weather, so there is a risk that shelters will become new hotspots. .

In northern Macedonia, another 10 people became ill with the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours, a total of 1,674, while one person died, said country’s Health Minister Venko Filipče.

Incubation, symptoms and prevention.

Infection with the new coronavirus has an incubation period of between 1 and 14 days. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has revealed new evidence that the virus can spread asymptomatically. Experts estimate that each person infected during the epidemic infects an average of two to three more people.

Corona virus infections have a wide range of symptoms, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath. The milder cases cause symptoms such as the common cold, while the more severe can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory disease, kidney failure, and death.

The best personal prevention is frequent hand washing and surface disinfection, using protective face masks and gloves in public transport and institutions.

Photo: RAS Serbia

There is currently no treatment for patients with the novel coronavirus, and in most cases the symptoms go away on their own. Experts advise patients to drink plenty of fluids, rest and sleep, and if symptoms worsen, see a doctor.

Scientists around the world are competing to make the vaccine, however experts warn that it can take anywhere from 18 months to two years from test to production.

Important phones

Special number of the Ministry of Health for matters related to the corona virus: 064 8945 235. Serbian Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut”: 011 2684 566.

Let us be responsible to ourselves and to others

To allow faster and more efficient communication between citizens and the competent epidemiological services, the Ministry of Health has introduced 20 additional telephone numbers for all information on the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health has opened 10 additional numbers, and through the same link you can contact the phone numbers of all health centers throughout Serbia.

Notification activation paragraph test

