DAD’S MARK’S FAREWELL: Dying for the homeland means living, being calm and free in the end, you got home (VIDEO)


At the funeral in Požarevac, the speech of his son Marko was read:

Mark’s Dad Farewell

My dad, I fulfilled what you asked and sent you here, home with us. Here where you wanted, where you belong. This is where Maria and I grew up and where Marko grows up. Here, in one of the most beautiful and Serbian places in the holy Serbian land, where the greatest heroes, patriots and martyrs have lived for more than two centuries, all of whom lived and died for their homeland under the Orthodox cross and under the five pointed star. Unfortunately, you are not the first to return here after losing your life, but like everyone before you, after winning the war, after winning. May your death be holy, may it be remembered forever and be the last. Let the deceived and humiliated Serbian people recover, remind them of all the greatest Serbian martyrs, from Lazar to you. May no Serbian patriot be sold, betrayed and betrayed again. Let Serbia bring it all from that fucking shameful place where I last saw you. Let the aggressors and occupiers no longer be allowed to step on this land. May freedom and dignity not be buried with your death. May freedom and peace replace the violence, betrayal, persecution and humiliation that reign. Traitors and cowards justify betraying the country “in the interest of the nation.” Patriots and heroes die for her, just like you. To die for the country is to live. Dad, when your heart doesn’t beat anymore, mine just beats. Peaceful and free at last, you made it home. You will be here with us forever. Although your heart no longer works, we give you ours to accompany you forever. I love you always, forever and always more in the world and may you have eternal glory,


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