Dacic’s speech at the Security Council drives Albanians crazy: Pristina has deceived not only Serbia but the European Union



21.10.2020. 20:59

The minister said that Pristina also began to violate the Washington agreement in the part that refers to the one-year moratorium on activities related to the recognition of the so-called Kosovo

Ivica Dačić

Ivica Dacic, Photo: Tanjug

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dačić In a session of the United Nations Security Council on the work of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, he thanked Secretary General Guterres and Special Representative Tanin for the report presented and the efforts made to implement the mandate.

The head of Serbian diplomacy said that Serbia is taking very seriously and responsibly the dialogue with Pristina, which has lasted almost a decade, and that more than seven years ago, together with Hashim Thaci, in Brussels, after difficult negotiations and major concessions on our part, signed The Brussels Agreement, and was the guarantor of that agreement. European Union.

The minister emphasized that in that esteemed body, Pristina deceived not only Serbia, but also the European Union, because after its signature, it refused to implement it and form the Union of Serbian Municipalities, explaining that it does not agree with the call. Constitution. Kosovo.

– Over the years, we have been asking the European Union a question, which I have asked here several times: can we call dialogue and agreement to something that we talk about, agree to, sign and then one part says “we will not implement the agreement “. I ask you now: what would have happened if Serbia had decided not to fulfill its obligations? Would you have the patience, understanding, and excuses that you have for Pristina representatives for over seven years? Despite all this, Serbia has continued to patiently advocate for dialogue and implementation of the agreement, in the hope that others will see how much damage this unacceptable behavior from Pristina causes throughout the process. We are encouraged by the fact that last week, during his visit to Pristina, Special Envoy Lajcak insisted on the full implementation of the agreements reached. Pristina’s negative reactions to his remarks, however, suggest that there is still no political will necessary for substantial progress in the dialogue process, he said. Minister Dačić.

The minister said that Pristina also began to violate the Washington agreement in the part that refers to the one-year moratorium on activities related to the recognition of the so-called Kosovo, by continuing to press for new recognitions and thus destroying trust and confidence. makes good faith agreements meaningless, Novosti writes.

– The report that we are examining today, like most reports since the establishment of UNMIK, expressed concern about the large number of incidents against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. However, despite calls on local authorities to react quickly to find the perpetrators and publicly discourage such acts, justice for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija is slow and unattainable, and the number of incidents is not decreasing, he noted. the head of Serbian diplomacy.

Ivica Dačić

Ivica Dacic, Photo: Tanjug

The minister said that even during a pandemic and the most difficult living conditions, acts directed against the Serbian community continue with the same intensity. He claimed that just a few weeks ago in the village of Donja Brnjica, near Pristina, an Albanian shot Serbian children in the courtyard of a primary school, and in the village of Babin Most, near Obilic, an attempt was made to kidnap a Serbian girl when I was coming back from school.

– Attacks on returned families have never stopped. Not to mention all the cases of house burning, robbery and intimidation – said the Minister.

The Minister also emphasized the Serbian cultural and religious heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, noting Pristina’s attempts to rewrite history, denying that the Serbian churches in Kosovo and Metohija are truly Serbian.

– What’s next, the denial that Serbs ever lived in Kosovo and Metohija? Repeated attempts to build a road through the protected area of ​​the Decani monastery, which is in danger on the UNESCO World Heritage List, also speaks to Pristina’s arrogance towards cultural heritage, Minister Dacic asked.

– To be clear, every victim deserves justice and every criminal must be punished. But that should apply to everyone. For twenty years, Serbia has been signaling the need to prosecute the perpetrators of horrible crimes committed by the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army against Serbs, Roma and Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija. At the same time, for years we have heard from Pristina only stories about Albanian victims, the suffering of innocent civilians, the “pure and unsullied struggle” of the Kosovo Liberation Army. The formation of the Specialized Chambers and the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office more than five years ago tells us that there is another side to the story – Minister Dačić pointed out.

Ivica Dačić

Ivica Dacic, Photo: Tanjug, Sava Radovanovic

– The initiative to pass a law “to protect the value of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army” at a time when charges are being brought against its members for the most serious crimes. How to explain all this to someone: The current president, the so-called Kosovo, is doing everything possible to abolish the court, which was created by Pristina herself, to avoid prosecution and trial for crimes committed. How to explain the fact that one day at the headquarters of the so-called. Kosovo Liberation Army veterans appeared a masked person and brought thousands upon thousands of documents, including impeachment proposals, testimonies of protected witnesses with their names and details? We have not seen anything like it in Hollywood thrillers either – said the head of Serbian diplomacy.

Minister Dačić noted that it was superfluous to reiterate that UNMIK’s presence in Kosovo and Metohija was still necessary and that this mission was expected to continue the active implementation of its mandate, and that the EULEX presence was equally important due to its commitment to the rule of law. me KFOR as the main guarantor of security.

– The talks that we continue in Brussels are not easy, because there are still significant differences in approach between us, but we sincerely believe that dialogue is the only possible way to solve our problems in the long term and guarantee better relations, peace and stability in the region. – said the minister.

The head of Serbian diplomacy concluded his speech by stating that we took a step in the right direction in early September, as well as that economic cooperation is important for future political deals, but also emphasized that the road to political normalization is long.
