Dacic: Trump is better than Biden – Politics


It will be easier for us to continue the policy of the current US administration, the Speaker of the Serbian Assembly and until recently Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic evaluated tonight and said that “I would bet on Biden because he has more possibilities, but we pray to God Trump wins. “

Dacic: Trump is better than Biden 1Photo: FoNet / Zoran Mrdja

In a special program on Kurir Television, dedicated to the US presidential elections, Dacic stated that “the previous administration said that the Kosovo issue was put ad acta, and that Serbia should recognize Kosovo.”

“That is why Albanians expect a lot from these elections. But if Biden wins, it will be nothing new for us,” Dacic said.

He said that while he was Prime Minister of Serbia, he met both Trump and Biden and “within two days” reacted with both, stating that he met with Trump then, during a business tour organized by the State Department.

“At that time, he spoke very kindly about Serbia, had sympathy for us, said that he would like to invest, even after that his people came to Vučić and me, they wanted to build on the site of the General Staff building,” Dačić said. stating that a day later he also met with Biden, who was the vice president of the United States at the time.

Commenting on the US elections in the context of resolving the Kosovo issue, Dacic said that “Serbia’s position on Kosovo’s views has improved.”

“Previously, we followed a two-way policy, with the United States and the EU, one is to improve bilateral relations, the other is more about Kosovo. But, at one point, those tracks had to cross, as is happening now,” he said. Dacic.

He assessed that “the Biden administration believes there is no need to start over, while Trump believes a compromise is possible.”

“I hope that the trains do not crash, that a peaceful solution acceptable to all parties is reached.” But Albanians believe that Biden will be stronger than Serbia. But there will be no more talk of bombings. We also know Biden well, “emphasized Dacic.

He said Biden has a better chance, but hopes Trump wins.

“I would bet on Biden because he has a better chance, but I ask God that Trump wins. But whoever wins, we will manage,” Dačić said in anticipation of the results of the US presidential elections.

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