Dacic: The European Parliament resolution is a lump sum, we will respond to the accusations – Politika


The President of the Serbian Assembly, Ivica Dačić, declared tonight that the European Parliament resolution on Serbia, passed a few days ago, contains “flat evaluations” and that the Parliament will give them a concrete response.

Dacic: The resolution of the European Parliament is a lump sum, we will respond to the accusations 1Photo: Fonet / Marija Đoković

“It is not correct.” I told the Parliamentary Commission for European Integration to review that report and to give a concrete response to all the accusations they made, “Dacic told TV Kurir.

Speaking of that report, he said that “everyone who had something to spit on Serbia found their place in that resolution.”

In addition, as assessed, what the members of the European Parliament said will have no consequences.

It should be recalled that two days ago, the European Parliament approved the report of the deputy Vladimir Bilčik on the progress of Serbia on the European path and, by majority vote, adopted an amendment that provides that the scandals of Krušik, Jovanjica, Telekom Srbja and the Savamala demolition are still part of Serbia’s progress report.

As he said, he will talk to President Aleksandar Vučić about that, but also about the “pressures around Kosovo” and how he will perform in the presidential and Belgrade elections.

Dacic declared today that the dialogue between the government and the opposition on the parliament can begin immediately, but that it depends on the MEPs.

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