Dacic: The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan is a warning for our region


The Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Ivica Dačić, assessed that the armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia can serve in our region as a warning of the little time it takes for a war to break out again.

The conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia takes a long time, it is a part of Nagorno Karabakh that belonged to Azerbaijan and in which Armenians live, Dacic explained to Happy TV.

According to him, both before and after the events in the USSR, there were incidents there, it was a latent conflict, and the Minsk Group was formed to resolve it, but they did nothing.

I went to Azerbaijan and Armenia as OSCE president, Dacic recalled and pointed out that Serbia is a friend of both countries and that it is in their best interest to stop the conflicts.

Turkey is interested in this conflict, because they consider Azerbaijan as their area of ​​interest. Russia is neutral, but Azerbaijan accused Moscow of siding with the Armenians, Dacic emphasized.

We have an embassy in Azerbaijan and we should have opened one in Armenia too, so it took a long time, but we have a diplomat in Yerevan who is now performing diplomatic functions, he said.

Today, the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Serbia requested that Serbia take its side in the conflict between that country and Armenia, in accordance with the policy of the former partnership between Azerbaijan and Serbia and the official policy of Baku on the issue of Kosovo.
