Dacic: SPS and SNS together in the 2022 elections.


In the extraordinary parliamentary and presidential and ordinary municipal elections of 2022, the Socialists should present themselves united to the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), because if the opposition joins, it is logical that we also have a front, the president of the Parliament Ivica told TV Kurir Dacic.

He said that objectively there is a need to organize parliamentary elections in parallel to the presidential ones, and that the future government, which is expected to be voted on October 28, will be a “government of concentration, and most of them are of limited duration.”

On the possible joint appearance with the SNS in the 2022 elections, Dacic said it was his opinion and that he did not know if Vucic and members of the Socialist Party of Serbia agreed with him.

Regarding the announcements of new ministries, Dacic said that it was estimated that it would be good if Serbia had village ministries, population policy and demographics and dialogue, because “the goal is for Serbia to have more children, not to leave the village empty and try to run dialogue with different political groups, which sometimes causes social conflicts ”.

Dacic said he was against an expert government, because “all politicians should be experts and know their work,” but also because experts who are part of the government do not have political responsibility when they leave that government.

He said that in his field, political science, “he does not admit that anyone is better than him” and added that he was “the best student in the history of the Faculty of Political Science.”

Dacic said that in the talks with Vucic they did not talk about the number of ministers and the composition of the government “but about what we can do for Serbia.”

It does not matter if the SPS will have two or three ministries. The potential of 350,000 votes that the SPS won in the elections must be preserved, because the SPS “cannot live off the old glory,” Dacic said.

If the information is correct, Nikola Selaković is a good fit for the new Foreign Minister, Dačić said, adding that he had excellent cooperation with him. ”

Commenting on the prices in the Assembly restaurant, Dacic said that it is managed by the Directorate of Mixed Bodies, and not by the Assembly, and that it is more expensive in other restaurants, because of the difference in food preparation and service. The “take the restaurant”.

Dacic said that their ideology and Vucic’s “differ”, but that they have “the same goals” and that they are friends.

Vučić “approved” the campaign for the withdrawal of recognition from Kosovo, Dačić said, noting that they “introduced the term ‘recognition’ into encyclopedias”, as well as that “no one in the world did that except for the two of them.”

Dacic also said that the idea of ​​Vucic and Patriarch Irinej for Russian President Vladimir Putin to reach the completion of the works on the Temple of Saint Sava, because during the government of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS), Serbia was in a situation “that Russia gave more money to the Temple than Serbia”.

Now, Serbia gives more, Dacic said, adding that Russia helped with the painting.

In place of Putin, Lavrov will come to Serbia on October 28, Dacic said, and will attend the celebration of the completion of the Temple works.
