Dacic: Socialists are with Dodik – Politics


The chairman of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Ivica Dacic, told Sputnik tonight that only one party with a similar name from the Republika Srpska has close ties to the SPS, which is the Socialist Party headed by Petar Djokic, and that they are trusted partners in the Alliance of Independents coalition. Social Democrat (SNSD) Milorad Dodik.

Dacic: The Socialists are with Dodik 1Photo: FoNet / Aleksandar Barda

Dacic emphasized that Djokic’s socialists are the ones who have close ties with the SPS “since the time of Milosevic” and that they are not going to break the coalition with the SNSD.

When asked how he would cooperate with the new mayor of Banja Luka as president of the Serbian National Assembly, Dacic replied that Serbia never interfered in the elections in the Republika Srpska (RS) or Montenegro, nor did it determine who should get the majority.

“That means that we are ready to cooperate in the interest of RS and the Serbian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and our only concern is political stability, that is, avoiding conflicts and instabilities that could endanger RS’s survival,” Dacic emphasized.

He also said that Serbia does not get involved in shootings in matches within RS.

“We will always support all those who advocate for the survival of RS and a close and intimate relationship with Serbia,” concluded Dacic.

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