12.22.2020. 14:19
The President of the National Assembly took the opportunity near the small screens to express his opinion on yesterday’s attacks against Angelina Vučić

Ivica Dacic, Photo: print screen / Youtube
– Scum, poor thing, immorality. We have hit rock bottom! –
With these words, Ivica Dačić was surprised, as a guest on “Good Morning Serbia” on Happy Television with Katarina Korša and Milomir Marić, and described his opinion on yesterday’s attacks against Angelina Vučić, the mother of the President of Serbia.
– I’ve been wondering how far the bottom is for a long time, how low can someone fall. I thought it would be difficult to wait to see that background. But I waited, the president of the National Assembly began.
The SPS leader stressed that he knew Angelina Vučić, a 76-year-old woman, even before Aleksandar and her brother Andrej. Met while she was on RTS-
– I know my wife before Vučić. And now a poor thing writes disgusting things about her. Sorry to use that expression. Say those things to anyone’s mother and still hide behind social media. They are unfortunate. It’s scum. I have to use those words, such immorality hit me. That also hurts Angelina Vučić, and it hurts much more because it hurts her children, grandchildren. By insulting Angelina Vučić, he insulted and humiliated all the mothers. And the mother is a saint. He humiliated them all. The mother is a saint, Dacic is outraged.
He stresses that he is disappointed that the other political party has not condemned Angelina Vučić’s unimaginable insult.
– How rude it is if we wage a political fight with such expressions, it is even more rude that the other political party has not yet condemned the insults. That someone is insulting. Why are you shut up? As you are not ashamed, they are scum, they are used by the most immoral creatures to attack political opponents. Tell the membership that this is not your policy, this is how you are all complicit. I’m ashamed – Dacic emphasized.