Dacic once again showed his refined diplomatic repertoire


Tonight, the Montenegrin Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with a pronounced ironic tone, harshly criticized the head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dačić, after his reaction to the accusations made against Serbia by Montenegrin President Milo Đukanović.

In a statement broadcast by RTCG, the Montenegrin ministry affirms that Dacic, “even in his technical mandate, which according to the customs of cultural and democratic communities implies moderation and decency, again demonstrated his refined diplomatic repertoire with yesterday’s statement on the ‘lies’ from the head of the neighboring state “. commitment to “the spirit of good neighborliness, cooperation and improvement of relations between Serbia and Montenegro, but also between the countries of the Western Balkans”.

Since the Minister insists on the claim that there was no interference by Serbia in the internal affairs of Montenegro, we are forced to recall how this ‘non-interference’ was in the last eight months, that is, give only a few examples from the arsenal of statements, evaluations and qualifications of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Serbian affairs and other officials who continually referred to the state, citizens and authorities of the neighboring state, which they supposedly consider their closest neighbors and friends, “the statement read.

According to the Montenegrin Ministry, some of those examples of “well-intentioned” warnings are, they claim, Dacic’s messages about the “fratricidal war in Montenegro”, recommendations that “the destruction of Djukanovic requires the unity of all others”, as well as the supposed “hot” nationalist rhetoric “by which Dacic asked the citizens of Serbia who do not think the same of Montenegro, its politics and its government as him, to be deprived of Serbian citizenship.”

According to the ICJ of Montenegro, it is “just a smaller and more benign extract from a wide range of statements by the Serbian Foreign Minister.”

A similar tone, perhaps even more grotesque, but also strongly militaristic, appropriate to the edition of ‘Serbian non-interference’ in Montenegrin issues, could be heard in the statements of Defense Minister (Aleksandar) Vulin, who also tried to enter the territory as a civil politician. “When he did not succeed, a statement arrived that accompanied him ‘Serbian generals and Serbian colonels’, who will always come to be with their people,” the statement added.

Vulin’s declaration, as they say, made immediately after the parliamentary elections that “Montenegro has returned to itself, the climate has changed, that nothing will ever be the same”, confirms, “sadly, that in Belgrade politics towards Montenegro, when it comes to its sovereign right to decide for itself on the main directions of domestic and foreign policy is nothing new. “

The Montenegrin ICJ claims that the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, did not lag behind his colleagues by assuring them that they would do everything possible to expel Montenegrins from the Serbian health system to the greatest extent possible, or disparaging health care in Montenegro saying “they don’t even have labs there.”

In addition to Serbian politicians, church dignitaries also contributed to the ‘non-interference’ campaign, so for example Patriarch Irinej, in the presence of President (Aleksandar) Vučić, claimed that things were happening in Montenegro that ‘they did not exist during the Ottoman Empire’. that the aim is “to expel the Serbian people, as the Ustasa did in Croatia”, and that “a new Montenegrin nation” is being created in Montenegro, which is, incidentally, a constant theme of this clerical-national rhetoric. Much has already been said about the Serbian media, which has been carrying out an unprecedented campaign against the neighboring country for a full eight months, “the statement read.

The ministry considers that Serbian interference in the internal affairs of Montenegro is an axiom that, as they affirm, “has been present to a greater or lesser extent for decades.”

In response to Djukanovic’s interview for Sarajevo’s Facebook TV, Minister Dacic said on Friday that the Montenegrin President continued to scare Montenegrin citizens with lies about Serbia and the alleged state policy of Greater Serbia, and accusing Serbia of interfering in the internal affairs of Montenegro.

The Montenegrin president told Facebook television that in the circumstances in which he claims he began the process of formalizing Kosovo’s independence, he speaks of Montenegro being “a natural part of the Serbian world”, a natural part of the ” Greater Serbia “for him. some kind of food to feed the hungry nationalist mouths, who find it increasingly difficult to bear the losses. “
