Dacic: It is illogical that the fifth person in the system has higher salaries than the first


Today, the Speaker of the Assembly of Serbia, Ivica Dačić, asked what is the logic that the Deputy Secretary General of the National Assembly has a higher salary than the Speaker of the Parliament and deputies, and that the Deputy Ministers have more salaries. higher than ministers or chiefs of cabinet. “It is an anomaly.”

“I think it is an anomaly that the heads of the so-called independent bodies have salaries two, three, four, five times higher than the President of the Republic or the deputies in the National Assembly. I’m not saying that the deputies are ideal, but they were elected by the people, ”said Dacic.

He added that he did not say that for the money, but for the “integrity of the role they perform” and evaluated that “it is illogical that the fifth people in the system have higher salaries than the first.”

Dacic told ministers to “believe with your eyes and change the laws” and said they have full support for that. The Minister of State Administration and Local Autonomy, Marija Obradović, said that “they have not given up on the reform and introduction of salary grades” and said that this set of laws is important.

He said that what Dacic was talking about required a serious discussion in society and a serious political analysis, with the participation of various factors and a lot of political will.

“For me, this is not the right time when we should withdraw those issues when we are fighting for people’s lives and when we are fighting to get the economy back to regular flows,” Obradović said.

“Wages and employment in the public sector have important economic and social implications. The state is the largest employer in the Serbian economy, employing almost half a million people, which represents about a quarter of the total employment registered in Serbia, and that is why this set of laws is so important, “Obradovic said at the end. Today’s session of the Serbian Parliament Discussion of a set of laws, including amendments to the law on public servants and salaries of public sector employees.

He estimated that the postponement of the application of these laws for one year, that is, for January 2022, will not be a waste of time.

Obradovic said that for the beginning of the implementation of the law, “he will intensify the meetings and communication about the reform processes with all parts of the public sector” and stressed that the consensus of all participants in the reform is needed. “A fair way of evaluating their work is needed. The Serbian government will work hard to implement that,” Minister Obradović said.

She noted that it is an exceptional part for her because she is a member of the Serbian Government for the first time in her life and that financial compensation is not a priority for her at the moment. The session of the Assembly of Serbia will continue tomorrow.
