Dacic “got the mail” from the EU, can the socialists reconcile the government and the opposition?


The European Union requests the continuation of the dialogue on the electoral conditions in Serbia and is ready to hold those talks, about which the President of the National Assembly, Ivica Dačić, was informed in the letter, confirmed by Tanja Fajon for the first half of the year. Is Ivica Dačić ready for the role of conciliator of the government and the opposition, which was entrusted to him by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić?

Two letters from Brussels for the new president of the National Assembly. In both envelopes, the title is the same: the European Union is ready to enter into a dialogue between the parties on the electoral conditions in Serbia. The senders, Dacic’s colleague, the President of the European Parliament, David Sasoli, and those who will lead the dialogue: Vladimir Bilchik and Tanja Fajon.

“My colleague Vladimir Bilchik and I sent a letter to the President of the National Assembly, Ivica Dacic, and we hope to meet with him soon to discuss the next steps and restart the dialogue between the parties … The European Parliament offers its full support to the Serbian National Assembly and we are ready to mediate dialogue and help reach consensus in the next period, “Fajon said.

Unlike MEP Fajon, Bilčik is willing to help, but not to confirm that he sent a letter to Dačić.

“I do not want to comment on speculation. I look forward to future cooperation and communication with Serbian partners through standard political channels, and not through messages sent through the media,” Bilcic said.

It was through the media that we learned that the president of Serbia had already warned Dacic of the pressure that would come from Brussels and had determined him the role of conciliator.

“Vučić told me that I can hope the Brussels administration will push and that it is important to have someone with experience who can model those talks, and now I am waiting. That dialogue will take place in parliament, it does not have to include only the parliament parties, but parliament, as the highest representative body, will shape that dialogue, ”said Dacic.

As a moderator, Dacic is more palatable to the opposition than someone from the Serbian Progressive Party, but there is no success in dialogue without Aleksandar Vucic, believes Nikola Burazer of the Center for Contemporary Politics.

“Without the political will of the Serbian government to accept some compromises, the European Union cannot do much. On the other hand, it will be up to the EU if it will increase pressure on the Belgrade authorities to agree to a compromise within the dialogue,” he said. Burazer.

That the European Union can pressure the government is shown by the example of Albania, where the opposition boycotted the 2019 elections. Serbia should follow the example of its neighbor, says the moderator of the first dialogue between the government and the opposition in Serbia.

“The National Assembly in Serbia, like some other examples, is expected to form a body that deals with dialogue between political factors, and it may be a permanent dialogue mechanism that is obviously needed, that should bridge this gap. they called for a boycott, but also a large number of citizens who did not go to the polls, “said Milan Antonijevic of the Open Society Foundation.

To close the gap with the elections announced for April 2022, the dialogue must start by the end of this year at the latest.
