DACIC BUYS PEACE ABROAD By handing over wallets to Ruzic and Toncev, the leader of the Socialists REBELLION PREVENTED?


By handing over the apartment to Branko Ružić and Novica Tončev, Ivica Dačić tried to avoid possible ruptures within the Socialist Party of Serbia.

The deprivation of influence of the Socialists in the government is one of the strongest impressions after the announcement of the composition of the new cabinet of Prime Minister Ana Brnabić two days ago. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the department without portfolio is all that the Socialists managed to negotiate with Aleksandar Vučić. Someone in favor of the SPS will say that the Socialists got the post of President of the Assembly as compensation for the ministries, as well as that Dusan Bajatovic is still in charge of “Srbijagas”, but for the layman it is clear that only the shadow of the party remains in the June elections. he won about 10 percent of the vote.

Why is that?

We have been waiting for four months to find out which coalition will form the new government. If we consider that there was a possibility that the socialists remained in the opposition, since the progressives have a majority and could have formed the government on their own, then this is not a failure. The question is, however, how this new balance of power in the government will affect relations between the socialists, because they practically only got a little more from Shapic’s Serbian Patriotic Alliance. If we consider that the most likely Minister of Education is Branko Ruzic, and the minister without portfolio Novica Toncev, then it is clear that Dacic tried to avoid fractures within the party with these solutions.

Bunny care

The only ones who could express discontent and take the initiative are exactly two future ministers, and since they have taken charge it can be said that things have been solved, at least at the beginning.

Dacic and RuzicPhoto: Dušan Aničić / Tanjug

Dacic and Ruzic

Ruzic has the support of the party and could easily lead a possible revolt among the Socialists, and everyone remembers that before he became a minister in the previous term, he used to make statements that disturbed the harmony in the ruling coalition. He is also known to be mentioned as someone who will replace Dacic at the head of the SPS in the future when the time comes.

On the other hand, Novica Toncev recently threatened to organize a protest in southern Serbia after the elections, because the progressives in the local, as he claimed, “are kidnapping councilors and want to change the director.” He said he was not afraid and would inform several thousand people to block the Nis-Skopje road.

At that time, Dacic had to take the chestnuts out of the fire and react quickly, so a day later he claimed that he made the young Toncev brothers apologize to the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić.

Novica Tončev Photo: Goran Srdanov / RAS Serbia

Novica Tončev

By assigning them apartments in Nemanjina 11, Dacic bought the peace, at least temporarily. It remains to be seen what the reaction of the former Minister of Mining, Aleksandar Antic, will be and if he will be able to manage another public company that Dacic spoke about.

Dacic affirmed yesterday that Dusan Bajatovic remains at the head of “Srbijagas” and that the Socialists will also get another important public company. Already now, while the new government is still in the process of formation, it announced that it wants a political agreement with the SNS for the next elections in 2022.

Short-term loss?

The difference in the departments that the Socialists will now lead and which they led, says Cesid CEO Bojan Klačar, is significant, and he sees Dačić as Speaker of the Assembly as a short-term political loss.

– The difference of influence in the Government of then and now is enormous, especially because they had the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Energy, State Administration and Local Autonomy and Protection of the Environment. All these departments allowed a large number of international contacts, they meant a lot for relations with Russia and the state administration was very important for the conduct of the elections. The ecology department is also important, because it concerns relations with the EU. But, if anyone has the political talent and knowledge to make a political target, it is Dacic. The position of president of the parliament is a position that leaves him space to deal with the party, go out on the field and engage in a dialogue that is given great importance before the next elections. Dacic, in combination with Veljko Odalovic, if he gets certain hands, he can lead the parliament in a dignified way, regardless of the fact that there is no opposition in it, and it seems to me that he will be more ready to understand the needs of the political minority – notes Klacar .

Agreement with SNS for 2020.

Speaking of the 2022 elections, Ivica Dačić said that it should run united in the city, the parliamentary and presidential elections, because if the opposition joins, so does the government.

– We want a political agreement – says Dacic.

According to him, all this is preparation for 2022.

– The elections await us. There are several diseases, one is myopia. It will be said that this one has so many ministers, some so many. It is important how much political power someone has, and not how many ministries there are – he says.

VIDEO: Dacic: Cross roads do not contribute to our good relationships
