Dabović told how they abused her through CRYING! I can’t talk about everything


THE WORST IS WHEN PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE, YOU COME TO KILL YOURSELF: Dabović cryingly told how she was abused!  I can't talk about everything

Photo: Printscreen / Premiere

Milica Dabović spoke about her difficult moments in life.

On that occasion, he noted that he had a lot of discomfort.

“I had a lot of discomfort, but when everything calmed down and time passed, I see that people believe in me and love me as I am. It cost me dear to be honest. Very bad things happened to my partners. I was mentally abused, with Stefan’s father, “Milica said.

photo: Printscreen / Instagram

“Who is the father of your child and why is he hiding? What does he do?” Asked the host.

“No, because he just disappeared. There is nothing to do, from what I was able to find out from his girlfriend. I approached all these women and found out who he was and what he was. I’m so glad I’m blind. Would my son want to see a father who doesn’t want to see him? Who stole everything? That stroller hurts more, but that’s the end of a story. Stefan has a beautiful childhood and I hope that a person will appear to replace that figure. I often think of Stefan’s father. His name does not appear in the log book because he did not know his name. He admitted that he was someone else and that shocked me. He never wanted to be in the newspapers, not even that. “My son is always full of tears when I go back to everything I went through, I would say it all, but I can’t. My son can do anything, just not see the unhappy mother,” Milica Dabovic said in “Premiere”. “.

photo: Printscreen / Premiere

“The worst thing is when the angry ones don’t believe you. Then you fall into a fool, you come to kill yourself, but after a while when he calls you and asks for your forgiveness, he invents some sacrifices, so like this, like this, you realize that you don’t You were wrong and what had to happen, not because I wanted to be beaten or liked by bullies, but because I was very jealous, attacked me … It was important for him to spend my money, go to discos … You will read above all in the book It will be a cruel biography, but also a beautiful book. First about my family who gave me a lot of good, my mother who is a heroine and I am grateful for everything. Nothing less for my father. Then, oh my boys who did Hell of my life, “Milica said.



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