Cvijetin Milivojevic – election of a new patriarch under the influence of the government


The political scientist Cvijetin Milivojevic estimates that the election of the new patriarch of the SPS will lead to new divisions in society, just as the divisions were noted at the funeral of Patriarch Irinej. He also points out that it is indisputable that there will be attempts to pressure the election of the patriarch by the “authorized secular government.”

Milivojevic told H1 that the political consequences of the events in the church after the death of the patriarch were already seen at the funeral, and that the biggest consequences were divisions.

“I heard something terrible. Archbishop Irinej Bulovic said in his speech that we have a real and false elite. Is it appropriate for a member of the Synod to speak at the funeral of the patriarch? At the same time, you are aware that there is no politician from opposition because he was not invited. ” A republic that gave a classic political discourse and that puts itself above the role of the patriarch ”, says Milivojevic, adding that in the future“ unfortunately it expects even greater divisions ”.

He recalled that the campaign “on the unfortunate information” had already started when the patriarch died, on what media published it, so there was a report on when and when the news of the death will be published.

“I suppose it is logical that the rights or the monastic family of the patriarch – SOC – do that,” said Milivojevic, adding that later the story began in some media about who is leading the campaign for the election of a new patriarch: Solak, Djilas and other representatives of the opposition.

“And that is announced by the media that welcomed the bishop candidate for patriarch in an entertaining talk show on Sunday night,” says Milivojevic.

He estimates that the funeral of the patriarch demonstrated that his death would bring social and political consequences by the fact that it was a kind of state funeral, but also by the selection of people who sat in the front row, although sitting is not typical of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

“The attempt of politics to enter such a day is already very pronounced, and if you continue to listen to the speeches of the speakers, you can see that unfortunately it was a kind of attempt to turn everything into a kind of political demonstration, not a party but a manifestation of statesmen “. He was the one who interpreted what the patriarch wanted to say, what the church wanted and tried to convince us that there was no dispute between him and the SOC on the most important issues, he said that the last words of the patriarch were ‘do not keep Yugoslavia as “King Alexander, save me Kosovo and Srpska,” Milivojevic said.

He assessed that “in any case, the president’s speech was political but also private,” as well as that it was an indirect speech to some who were not on his side and the patriarch.

When asked if Vucic and the patriarch were on the same side, Milivojevic said: “If I remember correctly, Patriarch Irinej presided over the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church at least three times, where members of parliament said almost unanimously that Kosovo and Metohija are part of Serbia and that there is no resignation from KIM. “

He adds that the late patriarch may have rendered some kind of service to the SNS political leader “named Vučić by coincidence”, and that he said at least twice before some elections that Vučić “would fight like a lion for KIM”.

“Perhaps it was a projection and a wish of the patriarch, who was always very specific and concrete about Kosovo. He never questioned that KIM would be part of Serbia, unlike the government, which in many ways practically showed that it was driving KIM away from Serbia.” , Milivojevic emphasizes.

“I don’t know what was the personal position of the patriarch, but what is the position of the SOC and the Holy Synod of Bishops on KIM is undivided,” Milivojevic said, adding that “what you hear about Kosovo’s policy from Vucic is not the position of the Holy Assembly of the SOC “.

“I do not know of any bishop or member of Parliament who thinks it is a good idea to demarcate and divide KIM, I would like someone to find me a high representative of the Serbian Orthodox Church who believes it,” says Milivojevic.

He adds that it is not logical for the SOC to act as a lobbyist for a political party or leader in elections and that this sadly happened, but emphasizes that it is possible that the patriarch did so for pragmatic reasons – not incurring the wrath of a major party or not stay. without material means for the church.

“It would be difficult to finish the construction of the Temple of San Sava without the support of the State,” said Milivojevic, who appreciated that the money that the State allocated to the church on the last occasion was not problematic and controversial, despite statements that it was better he invested in the treatment of children, because that is not a lot of money for the state.

He considers that, on the other hand, the problem is when the State invests 30 million euros “in phantom software that deals with the number of infected and deceased”.

Milivojevic emphasizes that what he understood on both occasions was when he noticed that Patriarch Irinej supported Vučić in the elections, that he expressed that support as a personal position and that he did not say anywhere that the Serbian Orthodox Church believes that Vučić is fighting as a lion by KIM. He estimates that the patriarch was aware that it was a pragmatic variant of the eulogy and that he decided “to carry the cross that he supported a champion and political party”, and that the absolute majority of the bishops who make up Parliament were against it.

“I suppose at this point in the Synod, it is very likely that Mr. Vučić’s party really has an unstable majority,” Milivojević said, adding that the choice of a patriarch has always been a political and church issue.

“I am not a believer in fashion, I respect who I am and experience orthodoxy as part of my identity, and as such I believe I have the right to remind the SOC that in the most difficult moments, the SOC was always with its people or in front of the people, never behind, “Milivojevic said. that this was also the case during the great migration of Serbs headed by Arsenij Čarnojević.

He also emphasized that he believes that the original seat of the Serbian patriarchs is not a circle of two in Belgrade, which is only a hundred years old, but has been Peja for longer, several centuries.

Is there something more logical if the patriarch is also titled as Archbishop of Peja to move the headquarters of the Serbian Orthodox Church to Peja, at least in a ceremonial sense, from the circle of two? He asked, adding that those who pressure the church they are opposed and that it is much easier for the SNS. to control the leadership of the church if it is there – close.

He also says that he always wondered why Vučić “who manages the negotiations on Kosovo” did not include the property issue of the citizens of Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church on the negotiating agenda, because the Serbian Orthodox Church is the largest owner. and landowner of KIM.

“It is obvious that this would expose their plans,” he concluded.
