12.22.2020. 17:59
Customs officials registered three cases of non-declaration of foreign currency at Nikola Tesla airport in recent days and seized more than 90,000 euros, although at this, as well as at all other border crossings, passengers were notified of the obligation to report any amount greater than 10,000 euros. that they carry with them.

Evri, Photo: Serbian Customs
It is symptomatic that in all three cases they are passengers who arrived on a flight from Moscow on December 19 and 21, 2020.
A 61-year-old Montenegrin citizen was carrying around € 80,000 undeclared when customs officers stopped him at the green checkpoint last night at around 9.45pm, after he arrived on the aforementioned flight and removed his luggage from the carousel.
When asked why he did not report cash that far exceeds the allowed amount, the passenger said he did not pay attention to where the red is and where the green checkpoint is.

Evri, Photo: Serbian Customs
A similar explanation was given to the customs official by a 22-year-old citizen of Belgrade who arrived on the same flight, when during a detailed search some 16,500 euros and about 500 dollars were found in his luggage.
A 44-year-old Russian citizen was found in the crime two days earlier, who was also detained and examined at the green checkpoint after taking his luggage. When a detailed search found 23,000 euros in his wallet, he told the customs official that he did not know he should report them.
The allowed amount of 10,000 euros was returned to all passengers, while the competent court in the foul procedure will decide on the remaining amount.