CUSTODY OF OBRENOVAC ORDERED TO HAVE A BABY IN A CONTAINER: The court cites three main reasons for this decision


– His arrest was ordered by the judge for the preliminary diligence at the proposal of the prosecution. not to influence witnesses, not to repeat or complete the crime, as well as for public harassment – said the court spokesperson, Tatjana Tešić.

BP is accused of the crime of attempted aggravated homicide to the detriment of her grandson, and today she was questioned at the Belgrade Superior Prosecutor’s Office, which is investigating against her.

Considering that the criminal act harmed a child, a minor, as well as that the investigation continues, the prosecution announced that it would not provide further details on this case.

By the way, the baby was found alive and cared for in the Neonatology Department of the Serbian Clinical Center.

Last night, the Obrenovac ambulance took her daughter to the GAK in Višegradska for the first time, who told doctors that she had given birth in an apartment in Obrenovac and that her mother had dumped the baby in a container in front of the building.

A police patrol was immediately dispatched to the scene and a live newborn was found in the container.

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