Currently there are 75,000 OUR TOURISTS in the neighborhood and another 25,000 in other countries


About 25,000 Serbian tourists are currently staying in countries that have not introduced special entry conditions, while there are now about 75,000 Serbian tourists in Montenegro, the director of the Serbian National Association of Tourism Agencies YUTA, Aleksandar told Tanjug today. Senicic.

He recalled that Montenegro allowed entry with mandatory serological tests and stated that a small number of people travel to Montenegro through travel agencies and that it is mainly individual trips.

According to Seničić, the season is in line with expectations, after the main ones. Serbian tourist destinations are closing borders due to the corona virus epidemic.

He stated that tourists can go to Egypt with the mandatory PCR test, from the Egyptian company “AirCairo”.

If a traveler from Serbia is sent to Egypt without a PCR test, they can be tested on the spot, because tourist organizations have enabled passenger testing at their facilities.

He added that around 40 percent fewer tourists stay in that country than planned for this year.

Senicic noted that charter flights to Turkey will continue through September, where the number of Serbian tourists has dropped by about 45%.

– In general, the season is bad, the turnover is reduced by almost 92% compared to last year – said Senčić.

He stated that during the year around 70,000 tourists traveled through travel agencies, while last year at this time the number of passengers was around 900,000.

Senicic also said that among the infected tourists, at this time, there are a small number of those who got infected in one of the destinations, but mostly those who got infected and left Serbia.

According to him, between 60,000 and 70,000 tourists paid for the policy, which also includes the risks of hiring Kovid-19.

Senicic claimed that the substitute travel decree was issued on time, helping many travel agencies avoid bankruptcy. According to him, 320,000 replacement trips have been allocated so far, of which only 20,000 have been used or made.

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