CURRENTLY ONLINE EXAMS ARE NOT POSSIBLE Discussion about teaching and the work of teachers during the epidemic, this is what will happen with accreditations


Faculties switched very quickly and successfully to online teaching due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation. The problem is the organization of exam deadlines because exams cannot be taken outside of the higher education institution. Furthermore, the problem is the accreditation of faculties whose deadline for submitting documentation expires.

This was said in the online session of the Conference of the University of Serbia (KONUS), and the president of this body, Professor Dr. Ivanka Popović, rector of the University of Belgrade, said that it is necessary to carry out pilot projects to carry out the online exam. And when a solution is found, as he said, it will be incorporated into the law, which will then allow exams to be taken outside the institution of higher education under controlled conditions, “Novosti” reports.

– But we must not allow the pandemic to affect the quality of studies – said Rector Popović.

Ivanka Popović

Photo: Dragan Kujundžić / Tanjug

Ivanka Popović

Regarding faculty accreditations, Professor Dr. Jelena Kočović, director of the National Accreditation Body (NAT), pointed out two problems.

– Many of those in charge of preparing the documentation in the faculties have hired corona, and secondly, we do not know how long we will be able to visit the institutions of higher education because many reviewers refuse to visit – explained Kocovic.

Rector Popović emphasized that a letter will be sent to the Ministry of Education in which the extension of the accreditation period will be proposed. A letter with suggestions will also be sent, which would facilitate the holding of classes and the dynamics of exams during the pandemic.

Amendments to the law in February

The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, Mariana Dukić Mijatović, said that the amendments to the Higher Education Law would be approved at the end of February, which would also include the student organization. A public hearing on these regulations will be held in late December and January.
