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Saint Leo lived in Italy in the 8th century and dedicated his entire life to helping the sick and poor. Apart from this, Leo was a fierce defender of Christianity who dealt with all kinds of heresy and paganism. Psalm 50, the most powerful story in the Bible: All the unclean forces tremble before him!

Behind his life, the most famous is the story of how at one point a magician and opsenar Iliodor arrived from his city and seduced the young man with his stories. The lion caught him, tied him up, and entered the great fire with him. According to legend, Iliodor was all burned, while Leo was nothing because the flames didn’t even touch him.

After that, his cult as a saint’s life became even bigger and more famous, and especially the sick flocked to him, whom he managed to cure only with a touch and a nice word. The miracles of the Sacred Lion continued even after his death in the 8th century. That is to say, his relics are a source of fragrant peace with healing properties. He was buried in the Church of Santa Mártir Lucia in Sicily, which he built during his lifetime.

Saint Leo is especially revered in Sicily, where he spent most of his life and where he remains the patron saint of the cities of Sinagra, Lindyia and Romete. It is celebrated by both the Catholic and the Orthodox Church.

In our nation, the saint of today is respected because he brings health and happiness to all the homes of believers and, by purifying unbelievers with fire, he removes all problems, diseases and misfortunes with fire. That is why the belief says that fire must be specially protected on this day.

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Author: delivery courier
