CRYED FOR “DARE OF JASENOVAC”: Croatian media cry because Zagreb is not investing anything, while Serbia supports national cinema


It seems that this is what bothers the “neighbors” the most, which is why in recent days the Croatian media have been writing more and more about this film and the Oscar nomination.

The texts show regret that, unlike Croatia, Serbia supports this type of project, which is why it stands out that the Government of Serbia has invested more than three million euros in this film.

Photo: Printscreen

– Do not get mad at Serbia because nothing has prevented HAVC in recent years, like the Serbian Film Center or even before them, from running a contest for a “film with a national theme”, which would include themes like Jasenovac. But now a film will be released in which Croats are portrayed as bad, because one of the central characters is Maks Luburić. Also, Antonijevic and Natasa Drakulic are a quality director and screenwriter, and from what I’ve seen, the production is good and a lot of money has certainly been invested, says Croatian film publicist Veljko Krulcic.

They also point out that the expert consultant is Michael Berenbaum, who has already worked on similar projects, while the rights to screen the film were allegedly bought by David Glaser and his “101 Studios”, when Croatian media claim he is a “respectable actor. in the movie business. “

The film’s director is Predrag Antonijević, and the main role of Dara is played by Biljana Čekić, a twelve-year-old girl from Kozarska Dubica. Marko Janketić played Ustasha and Jasenovac camp commander Vjekoslav Maks Luburić.

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