“CROWN WHAT ?!” It was expected that going to the pub from Friday would not be the same, but this is what we found in search of KORONA REDARI


The good weather still attracted the inhabitants of the capital to take their favorite places in the cafes and restaurants of Belgrade, and as a decision was made in the last session of the Crisis Staff on the guards that should control the use of the mask in the service facilities, “Blic” reporters visited some of them. in the very center of the city to ensure that this measure is respected.

What we find in the place says only one thing, and that is that we still have not seriously understood how serious the epidemiological situation is in our country because the crown of guards, not that there is none, but in some restaurants we run into the question: who are they? !!

Photo: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

So the duty of the radar is to control whether guests enter the bar with a mask that can be removed only when sitting at a table, but if you go to the bathroom or leave the restaurant, the mask must be reused. More precisely, each restaurant must have a person, that is, a caretaker, who is in charge of monitoring compliance with the measures.

Blic reporters did not find an employee in that position at any catering facility in the city center. They are not found in cafes, bars or restaurants.

What is respected is that a lot of bars have barriers and disinfectants, employees wear masks, but on the other hand, guests can enter the bar without impediments and without the necessary protection, which we are convinced.

Blic reporters entered each of the catering facilities without a mask, in order to verify that the measures were being respected, and did not receive a warning.

When asked if they had “crown guards”, various responses followed.

Photo: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

“We have, we have, here it is,” read a response, and it is obvious that there was no one to control because we entered the bar without obstacles and without a mask.

“I don’t know, the manager took care of it himself. I came to work today, no one is here now, but I think the manager is in charge,” was the reply of a waiter from a restaurant in Skadarlija.

Photo: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

What surprised us the most was the reaction of a waitress at a cafe in Obilićev venac, who did not know what it was about, but asked the “Blic” reporters who the “crown guards” were.

Based on the facial expressions and gestures, it would seem that managers and workers feel guilty because they are unprepared in this situation, and it is clear to them that they did not respect the latest decision of the Crisis Staff.

It remains to be seen in the next few days if they will do anything about it to protect themselves and their guests.

A similar situation was found in other cities in Serbia.

Novi sad

In the cafes of Novi Sad, the number of diners is catered for, being less than 30 people as before. Dragan Stanojevic from the Novi Sad Catering Association says there are no other changes for now.

– The only thing that has changed is that inspections come every day, mostly sanitary. As for the covid wardens, I assume that the caterers will hire some of the employees for that, as they did before with the control of the indoor smoking ban, Stanojević said.

Photo: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

As far as we can be sure, Novi Sad cafes work in compliance with all measures.

Kovid’s butlers are mostly waiters or bartenders already employed.

Those who do not adhere to the new measures, whether they are engaged in restoration or some other activity, after the inspector’s written report must go to the Novi Sad Fair for their punishment, where a special office is organized for those who do not adhere to the prescribed measures.


Unclogging, disinfection at the accesses to the facilities, disinfection of tables, notices of mandatory masks, distance, are the regulations that have been in force in Kragujevac since the state of emergency was declared in mid-July.

Infectious Disease Clinic in KragujevacPhoto: Nebojsa Raus / RAS Serbia

Infectious Disease Clinic in Kragujevac

– The hotel has set up a guard service that has four guards who are deployed in the congress hall and restaurant. We have notices at the entrance, barrier, disinfectants on the tables and in the bathrooms. All the recommendations have been followed, and the guards are there to supervise guests who, in principle, do not respect the measures. The most important thing for us is that our staff adhere to all the measures taken – said Nikolina Kovačević Milosavljević, manager of the Hotel Kragujevac Congress Center to “Blic”.

As they say in the “Blic” of this city, in the bars you can listen to acoustic or ordinary music until 9 pm and then the bars close. On the other hand, the garden is allowed to run until 11pm with two people at the table, and only family members can sit in greater numbers than that.

The largest number of people gathered is up to 30 with a certain distance, while the discos do not work. For the most part, the corridors can’t function, at least not with more than 30 people.

Novi Pazar

Most of the catering facilities in Novi Pazar acted in accordance with the recommendations of the Crisis Staff for the suppression of the coronavirus and appointed guards in charge of respecting the prescribed measures.

Cafe and restaurant owners, for the most part, have appointed waiters who, in addition to their usual duties, now warn guests to keep their physical distance and wear masks.

– I’ve been a janitor for a couple of days and had more work on Saturday when I counted how many guests we have at the bar. When we met the quota, I stood at the door and informed everyone who wanted to enter that we should not let them go – says one of the newly appointed guards.

By the way, the health inspection visited a large number of catering establishments in this city during the weekend, and according to unofficial information, violations of anti-epidemic measures were noted in several of them, for which those responsible were financially sanctioned.


As they say for “Blic” in cafes and restaurants in Subotica, the stewards have only been announced for now.

– We only have one announcement for the guards. It will be someone from among the employees. As we have designated a person in charge of the smoking and non-smoking part, so we will designate a man in the morning and afternoon shifts to be in charge of the entrance of the guests because then they must have a mask. When the guest sits down, they can remove the mask and don’t have to have it while drinking, eating or smoking, but they are required to put it on if they go to the bathroom and when they go out, cafe and restaurant employees and owners say.

According to them, the guards will control the entry and implementation of all protection measures against the coronavirus, and that includes disinfection and distance.

Photo: Biljana Vuckovic / RAS Serbia

As for other crisis staff recommendations at Subotica, which are completely identical to the Belgrade recommendations, indoor catering services cannot have more than 30 people.

– Up to 30 people can stay in the room with the required distance and all other instructions. We are a smaller facility and so far we have adhered to that. In our country, this measure is completely feasible, say the owners of the cafes.

VIDEO: Belgraders prefer outdoor masks, rather than prohibiting movement
