04.12.2020. 12:39 – 04.12.2020. 12:52
North Korea carried out a public execution with water shots in order to punish the man for violating the rules introduced due to the corona virus, informed sources in that country say.

North Korea, Photo: Illustration
A man accused of smuggling across the sealed Chinese border was killed on November 28 in order to scare people and thus respect the rules, according to “Radio Free Asia.”
Although North Korea officially claims to have had no cases of Kovid-19, the Kim Jong Un regime has introduced “extremely high-level quarantine measures” and troops have been ordered to shoot at passers-by on the Chinese border, they said. the sources.
– They had a public execution with a firing squad to threaten residents here in the border area, because there was a lot of contact with people on the other side of the border, including a lot of contraband – said a source.
The murdered man was allegedly in his fifties and was charged with smuggling with Chinese business partners across the border, which was closed for most of 2020.