CROWN NUMBERS IN AUTUMN Just over 3,500 infected, 54 people died


In the past 24 hours, 11,068 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 3,534 of them tested positive, while sadly 54 people died.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the “Trampoline” Institute, there are 314 patients on ventilators in hospitals throughout Serbia.

Recall, yesterday we had 3,888 positive coronavirus out of 12,578 people tested, while 52 people died. According to yesterday’s cross section, there were 326 patients on respirators in Serbian hospitals.

So far black daily records of the crown his: most positive in one day – 7,999, most people on respirators – 353, most tests – 22,837 and most deceased – 69.

The crisis headquarters for the fight against the coronavirus is ambushed tomorrow morning, and the extension of the working hours of the non-food stores, which are now lined up until 5 in the afternoon, is expected to be discussed. They could also work on weekends, until around 2:15 p.m.

– We will see tomorrow in the Crisis Staff if we mitigate some measures. We have a slight decrease in the number of new infections, but our health care system is overloaded, said Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, who is a member of the crisis staff.

VIDEO: Microscopic image of the kovid-19 virus
