13.11.2020. 07:00

Serbian Parliament, Photo: Hello / V. Markovic
Dragan Markovic Palma, leader of United Serbia and deputy, said yesterday in the assembly hall that two deputies from that party, Vojislav Vujic and Slavenko Nikolic, were infected with the coronavirus, and as far as we know, it is feared that they are not the only ones and that other parliamentary groups have patients.
Markovic said his party deputies wore masks and had no contact with people who had symptoms, as well as not knowing how they got infected.
– The measures were forced because we did not respect the recommendations of not having people at weddings, celebrations … I took the crown seriously, out of eight deputies from our parliamentary group, two have the crown. I ask everyone who has symptoms not to go to work – said Markovic.
These statements upset the deputies, as they met with those colleagues relatively recently. Some have decided to go urgently for tests, but there are also those who, as they say, will first wait to see if they will present symptoms.
Snezana Paunovic, Photo: Hola / M. Joshida
– First of all, I want my colleagues to get through the period ahead of them as easily and with the mildest possible symptoms. I am aware of the risk of the sudden spread of the coronavirus, so I act in accordance with the recommendations, there is no fear, but there is awareness that we must be responsible in such situations. Accordingly, I will abide by the recommendation and they will definitely put me to the test, SPS MP Snezana Paunovic told “Alo!”

Đorđe Milićević, Photo: Hello / M. Jošida
Djordje Milicevic, his party colleague, also plans to get tested, which is not surprising, considering that the Socialists are sitting very close to the United Serbia deputies in the hall.
– Fear is a natural phenomenon, but the circumstances of life have taught me not to be afraid. I respect the recommendations of the profession and have a high degree of personal responsibility. If the assessment of the profession is that we have to put ourselves to the test, I will do it, although when we enter parliament, we implement control measures every day – he said.

Dragan Shormaz, Photo: Hello! M.Josida
On the other hand, the SNS deputies affirm that they are not afraid of the crown and trust its good immunity.
– I have not been tested and I do not plan to do that. If I have symptoms, they will test me, but I don’t think I have symptoms, because I have a strong immunity – Dragan Shormaz told us.

Aleksandar Markovic, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza
– All prescribed epidemiological measures are being fully implemented in the Assembly. All parliamentarians, as well as employees, strictly follow the instructions of the crisis headquarters. Everyone wears masks, the temperature is measured at the entrance of the building, Plexiglas screens are placed in the great hall and everything else to minimize the possibility of infection, Aleksandar Markovic added.
Aleksandar Cotric of the SPO also does not intend to be tested.
– I feel fine and I don’t have any symptoms. Otherwise, I would have tests and examinations immediately. I know some parliamentarians who are infected, but for now there is no spread of this disease in parliament – he noted.
Dacic: We will definitely take a break
Ivica Dačić, the President of the Serbian Assembly, told our document that there will certainly be no sessions in the coming days. – All protective measures were introduced here even earlier, everyone must wear masks, there is a glass fence between the deputies. By the way, the Assembly today finishes its work for this week and continues on November 24 – he said.