CROWN BY CITY One registers a SHOCKING LEAP in the number of infected, and here are some more CRITICAL PLACES IN SERBIA


Even after today’s cross-section, the inhabitants of the capital cannot breathe relief because the highest number of crowns infected with the virus was again registered in Belgrade, more precisely, 906 new cases were registered out of a total of 2,813.

In second place on this infamous list is Novi Sad again with 364 new infected, which is even 170 more than the day before when 194 new cases were registered.

Kragujevac did not change position with respect to the previous section either, and in this city another 215 new cases were registered, 78 more than yesterday.

In Valjevo (93) fewer than 100 positive results were recorded during the last 24 hours, 23 more than yesterday.

A slightly lower number was recorded in Nis compared to the previous section. And now 92 more cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the largest city in southern Serbia, 43 less than yesterday.

Pancevo, which was recently on the list of critical city crowns, has now reported up to 90 new cases!

Zrenjanin registers 66 new patients and Kikinda 62. Other cities register fewer than 60.

In the last 24 hours, 11,493 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 2,813 of them tested positive, while sadly 21 people died.

We had this number of deaths on November 11, while the previous black record was 18 deaths per day, and that was the peak of the second wave on July 10.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the “Trampoline” Institute, there are 161 patients on ventilators in hospitals throughout Serbia.

The number of patients in hospitals reached almost 4,000, that is, a total of 3,963 people were hospitalized throughout Serbia!

VIDEO: Simptomi korone
