Croatian Minister: Handover of Jelačić’s birthplace is a step forward, but not the culmination of Vučić’s administration – Politics


The Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Gordan Grlić Radman, evaluated today in Vukovar that the handover of Josip Jelačić’s birthplace to the Croatian community in Vojvodina was a step forward in relations between Croatia and Serbia, but also warned that it would not It should be the culmination of the attitude of the Vučić administration towards the Croats.

Croatian Minister: Handover of Jelačić's birthplace is a step forward, but not the culmination of Vučić's administration 1Photo: Beta / Hina / Damir Senčar

“It will be a step forward in relations between Croatia and Serbia when we talk about the position of the Croatian community in Vojvodina,” Grlić Radman told reporters at the commemoration of the 29th anniversary of the death of the war commander of Trpinjska Vukovar basket, General Blaga Zadra.

Radman Grlić, as the Croatian Prime Minister’s envoy, will attend this afternoon in Petrovaradin the handover ceremony of the purchased and renovated birth house of Ban Josip Jelačić together with the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić.

Grlić Radman assessed in Vukovar that it would symbolically connect the Croats of Vojvodina with Zagreb, a “spiritual, cultural and traditional link”, but that it “should not be the peak” of the Vučić administration in relation to the Croats, according to Hina.

He announced that he would raise the issue of the 1,869 missing in the National War, as well as the situation of the Croats in Serbia.

“We, as a people, do not remain indifferent and, above all, as Croatian officials, politicians and government, we are responsible for finding out the fate of the disappeared. It is also a burden on our relations, it seems to me that it is the most important point that we will discuss, as well as the position of the Croatian community in Serbia, “said the head of Croatian diplomacy.

He assessed that Croatia is an example to regulate the status of minorities, recalling that it guarantees the Serbian minority three seats in Parliament and that the Serbian representatives are partners of the coalition of the current Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ).

Grlić Radman said that Croatia wants “equal treatment” for Croats in Serbia. He also asked for the “dignified way” to mark the fields in Serbia where Croats were tortured during the last war.

The Croatian minister assessed that all these issues are of common interest both for Serbia, which is on the European path, and for Croatia, which wants a stable and safe neighborhood, and said that Croatia supports “the efforts of all the Balkan countries. Westerners on the European path “.

When asked by a citizen why Aleksandar Vučić has not yet recognized the existence of camps in Serbia and why Croatia has not done anything about it, Grlić Radman, as Hina said, replied that Croatia is committed to solving this problem, but that dialogue it is necessary to advance.

He added that he would discuss it with Vučić today.

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