Croatian media talk about aid from Belgrade, citizens are angry (PHOTO)



04.01.2021. 12:46 – 04.01.2021. 12:53

Earthquake, Croatia

Earthquake, Croatia, Photo: AP Photo

The Croatian portal Index reports that after the earthquake, more aid came from Serbia than from the Catholic Church.

As they say, two days after the devastating earthquake in Petrinja, the Croatian Episcopal Conference (HBK) announced that it would donate seven million kuna to help the victims of the earthquake, and the money is intended for those most in need of help in the diocese of Sisak. and the Archdiocese of Zagreb.

As announced at the time by the CBC Secretary General Krunoslav Novak, additional assistance will be discussed at the next CBC plenary session, when the situation on the ground will be analyzed and the need for assistance, as well as other possible actions, will be determined.

The day before, that is, the day after the earthquake, as Indeks writes, the Government of the Republic of Serbia made the decision to send the amount of one million euros of financial aid to Croatia.

That is almost 550 thousand kuna more than the amount paid by the Church, an institution that receives about one billion kuna a year from the pocket of the taxpayers, this portal points out.

– The exact amount we give them each year is still unknown, because the Catholic Church in Croatia is not transparent in financial terms. That is, as the Catholic Church in Croatia is not financially transparent and, thanks to the Vatican Treaties, Capilar networked various social areas and received money from state, county and local authorities, at this time it is simply impossible to find out all the money from various states. levels and institutions of the basin in the accounts of the Catholic Church, which in Croatia has more than two thousand legal entities that it manages or with which it is linked. At the same time, all that money, which the Catholic Church received from the state, was exempted from the verification of the State Audit, it is concluded in the text of the Croatian portal.

According to them, the figure of around one billion kuna a year was reached by investigative journalists who addressed this issue, noting that it is not yet the final amount. All that money is exempt from the State Audit Office.

– And while the bishops await the next plenary session of the CBC, Serbia has already, as we discovered unofficially, has decided to send a new round of aid – this portal points out.

As Indeks unofficially finds out, an additional 100,000 euros are being contributed from Serbia for the purchase of mobile containers that will house people who have lost their homes. They add that the information is not official and has not yet been confirmed.

– However, when we write about the help of the Church, it is worth mentioning that the Bishop of Varaždin Bože Radoš declared the Day of Lent and Prayer, and the Archbishop of Split and Makarska Marin Barišić extended it and asked the faithful to pray for the earthquake victims – writes Indeks.

The comments below the text mostly express the anger of the readers, who draw attention to the fact that this help from the Catholic Church will be mainly aimed at the renovation of religious buildings, and that the Church, as an institution with a millenary tradition that ask for mercy, I would have to help much more.
