Croatian historian on NATO aggression: explained how Serbs saved the world



24.03.2021. 22:51

In the latest text, which he posted on his Facebook account, Croatian theologian and historian Goran Saric wonders if Serbs were on the wrong side of history in 1999.

Goran saric

Goran Saric, Photo: Screen Printed

– 09.11. In 1989, my neighbor Vlado found himself in Berlin during the demolition of the Berlin Wall. A few days before your arrival, on 04.11. 30,000 East Germans fled west through Czechoslovakia in 48 hours. In Dresden alone, 5,000 people tried to board a train bound for West Berlin. A couple of years later, when he showed me a brick from that wall, I jokingly said: “Vlado, you ruined my ideals.” I myself did not know how accurate my statement was, wrote Saric.

He stressed that the fall of the “Berlin Wall” marked the end of the bipolar international order, with two great powers: the United States and the Soviet Union. In the next two years, the USSR was dissolved, China was still miles from its current strength, and the world may have become unipolar for the first time in history, with the United States as the world’s only police officer, the only global empire. . No empire in the world has been as powerful as the United States at that time, the historian noted.

– The 1990s was not only a period when American military, economic and political power was at its peak, but also its soft power, that is, the appeal of American culture and lifestyle, was the most great in history. No empire has been so attractive to all other nations. Rome had to spread its culture with the sword, while people flocked to America alone. America had no counterweight, the character of a nice drunk Russian from Hollywood movies of that time very well embodies the influence that Russia and Yeltsin had on world events. No one even seriously thought about China. However, in such circumstances, a nation, a country had the courage to say “no” to the United States. The United States will dedicate 10 years to that nation. For 10 years, the United States waged a war against that country: economic, propaganda, psychological, hybrid, neocortical, psychotronic, and, in 1999, armed.

Saric then quoted globalism expert Robin de Reiter, who described the US aggression and the NATO pact on Serbia in the following words: “The attack on Serbia, that is, FR Yugoslavia, was the first action of war in the one that NATO passed from the defense army to the intervention forces. “

– In 2014, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, in his speech to the Russian Duma during the annexation of Crimea to the Russian homeland, revealed that during NATO’s aggression against Serbia, he understood what was the fate of the Russians. . Those ten years in which the American establishment and Western power centers obsessively dealt with the Serbs, gave Russia the opportunity to consolidate and resurface, China to degenerate into a world power. It was ten years that gave rise to a new multipolar order. Ten years that saved the world – wrote the historian.

He noted that the Serbs were the only targets to shoot at the Americans after 1945, and that they were shot by the Americans. The Serbs entered into an armed conflict with the United States and the NATO pact, when the Russians and Chinese did not dare to enter into a diplomatic conflict with them. Never in the history of mankind has a greater power attacked a lesser one. There has never been a greater disparity in military strength, economic power, and population than in that 1999 war.

– The Germans who brought down the “Berlin Wall” in 1989 as a symbol of the Iron Curtain and lack of freedom could not have guessed that the West would only look like a concentration camp 30 years later. That all civil liberties will be violated, including the right to breathe freely. That the unions, the rights of the workers will disappear, that the standard will be lowered drastically and that only repression, prohibitions and restrictions will grow. The Soviet Union had a gulag for dissidents and the West became a gulag. All regimes imprisoned those who protested, and only the West imprisoned its citizens who did not protest, the historian wrote.

Saric claims that Serbs fought against that and another west in the 1990s.

– Serbia was on the wrong side of history only when they wrote history wrong. And in 1914, it seemed that Serbia was on the wrong side, and in 1941 and 1999. History is constantly repeating itself, the mad need for possession and conquest of Western civilization drags millions to their deaths. The largest empires in the world, the Roman, Byzantine, Frankish, Ottoman, Habsburg and German … stormed Serbia at the height of their power. Those empires are long gone and the Serbs are still here. Even today, Kosovo stands as a tombstone and proof that Western elites are unprepared to learn lessons from the cries of the dying in the Balkan’s troubled past. The Serbs will forgive them. History will not do it – wrote Saric.
