Croatia sent a protest note to the Serbian Embassy after the recording of Knin


Croatia’s Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs sent a protest note to the Serbian Embassy in Zagreb on Thursday evening, Sputnik announced today.

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs strongly condemns the scandalous act of a member of the delegation headed by the Secretary of State in the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government of Serbia during his visit to Croatia, and the sending of messages that insult Croatia in the most rude and propagate the defeated ideas of Greater Serbia, the commissioner of the Hilandar Orthodox monastery for humanitarian work.

Theologian and humanitarian worker Miloš Stojković visited Šibenik-Knin county these days, as commissioner of the Hilandar monastery for humanitarian work, and during his visit to Knin, he allegedly announced on his Facebook that he was in “Serbian-occupied territory “. Croatian media reported.

“I have nothing to do with that ad, nothing at all. As can be seen clearly, I am marked in the post. I am nowhere in the video, nor my character, nor anything. Knin Mayor Marko Jelic and myself we gave each other a statement in the Fortress, we shook hands, we hugged each other and I clearly told RTS everything I believe, “Stojkovic told the SibenikIN portal, which published the controversial video, which was later remote.

Stojković claims that the disputed video of Knin Fortress was recorded by someone else and that it appeared on his profile because the author flagged it in the post.

“I have nothing to do with the man who spoke while walking alongside us in the fortress. He was one of the five or six cameramen who did not even record our actual well-meaning activity, but who marked me, and not just me, in the announcement. It is clear that this is not my vote, nor do I have anything to do with someone’s private opinion, “Stojković said, emphasizing that” he will continue his mission of humanity and love with all his heart. “

Stojković stayed in Knin, Kistanje and Đevrske as part of a humanitarian action organized by the organization “United Serbia”, and is a humanitarian caravan whose objective is to tour the Serbian population, with an emphasis on promoting peace and tolerance.
