Crisis staff: supervision of returnees from summer vacation does not imply restriction of movement


The members of the Crisis Staff for the Control of Coronavirus, Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević and Dr. Predrag Kon, stated that in the next two days it will be defined exactly how the supervision of Serbian citizens returning to the country from abroad will be carried out, what should go into effect. on Friday from 6 pm The truth for now, as they said, is that everyone who returns to Serbia will have to report to one of the health institutions that will be designated for that within 24 hours, and that supervision does not will mean restriction of freedom of movement.

Serbia from Friday at 6 in the afternoon introduces the supervision of passengers returning from abroad, and representatives of the crisis staff announced at today’s press conference in Belgrade that the detailed procedure will be announced in the next two days.

“What is already in use now, and what will intensify, are those notices that are distributed at border crossings. It will be written that it is mandatory to report to the Kovid clinic or the Public Health Institute within 24 hours. There are others. possibilities, and probably everything will be used, but it is very important that they are registered, that they are registered, “said Kon.

He noted that a strategic decision was made today, which is “simmering for more than three weeks.” “Last week we had more than 40,000 crossings on the border with Montenegro alone. You have to understand how much work it is – 40,000 times ten, that’s 400,000 people to have communication – What system will resist? A system must be created that can to comply with the obligations, “said Kon.

He also evaluated that it is impossible to carry out the supervision “without some small problem”, but that we cannot leave the borders open like this. He also noted that the very announcement of the introduction of supervision is an invitation to Serbian citizens currently abroad to return home.

Kisic Tepavcevic added that at the moment there are at least three possible options, and that each of them has already been defined in detail, and that now it is being considered which procedure will be the most effective, will provide the best possible preventive effect and will generate the least possible charge. Healthcare system.

“The essence is that all our citizens who enter the country must report to certain health services in the shortest possible time, up to 24 hours. We will see to it that it is organized so that the work of the services is interrupted as little as possible, and that it is a reliable way of monitoring over passengers, “explained Kisić Tepavčević.

He noted that the supervision of returnees from abroad does not imply a restriction on freedom of movement. “A person who does not present symptoms and has arrived, with respect to all the measures, performs daily activities, with special caution and regular dynamics of reporting to health services for a period of 10 days,” he announced.

Kisić Tepavčević said that the cooperation of all citizens is necessary not only to maintain the epidemiological situation at the current level, but also to improve it in the next period.

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