Crisis staff should not speak their minds – Society


The day 19 people died for the crown and there is no room for hospitals in Belgrade, the new measures remain silent

It started with the speech of the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, who said it was for the introduction of the curfew …

Crisis personnel should not speak their minds 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / MILOS MISKOV

… The statement of Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar went on to say that there are no more vacancies in hospitals for corona patients in Belgrade, at 3 pm the public learned that yesterday 3,341 infected people were discovered while 19 more citizens died, but if and what new measures will be brought after yesterday’s session of the Crisis Staff, which ended around 1 pm, there was no news until the conclusion of this topic.

Until now it was common for members of this body to address the public after the sessions, but yesterday it was not. The media only reported that epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that “everyone in the field of medicine, uniquely, believes that the implementation, control of measures and the introduction of additional measures should be seriously stricter.” He also said for the Mondo portal, “they listened to us well, we know what we were looking for.”

– I cannot say what will be brought because this certainly depends on the non-medical part. We said that very explicitly, said Kon, thus transferring the ball to the government’s yard, which should now decide whether to accept the Crisis Staff proposal.

In previous weeks, some staff members indicated that they should consider shortening, if not closing the catering facilities, but no such proposal was adopted in the previous session. At the same time, Serbian President Vučić noted on two occasions that he begged crisis personnel not to close the catering facilities, only to say yesterday that he was on curfew.

– I was in favor of the curfew, and the closure from 6 to 6, they are semi-solutions, which do more damage to the economy, and will not bring benefits, but we will listen to them, said Vučić when asked if the Crisis Staff will propose some new measures.

Asked for comment on the fact that the public could not learn anything about the new measures during yesterday’s session, epidemiologist Ivana Prokić, coordinator of the epidemiological team of the United Against Kovid Association, said that although members of the medical staff of the Crisis Staff “were unanimous to sharpen the response to the epidemic is useless if politicians and the government, that is, unprofessional people on this issue, have the last word.”

– The situation is clear, although we had the most positive of the day and the health situation that requires urgent action, they shared and received medals, showing what is most primary: “confirmation” of the legitimacy of crisis personnel and not from public health, Prokic notes, adding that UKP will not waive the request to form an expert commission that will take on the role of KS.

He explains that the epidemiological team of UKP, of whom he is coordinator, announced yesterday a proposal of measures to take in this situation, with special reference to the hospitality work, which he said was only one of the sectors that is completely out of control.

– Even if fellow KS doctors agree with UPK doctors and our proposed measures, they should not say so publicly. Yesterday the role of the KS was seen more clearly, it is an advisory body at the service of the president and not of the citizens, so we should not inform the citizens about its conclusions, says Prokić.

UKP, which estimates that the epidemiological situation is unfavorable and that the level of danger is 4 (the highest is 6), yesterday proposed to limit the working day of the premises to 20 hours on working days, that is, to 23 for delivery, while during the weekend it is necessary to completely close objects. As added on weekends, work can only be allowed for the purpose of delivery or pick-up of take out food without guests entering the premises, while nightclubs must be closed. In doing so, the UKP emphasizes that any measure that is implemented must remain in effect for at least two weeks to see its effect.

– It is impossible to close everything for a long time, but it is also impossible to open everything, it is a matter of achieving balance. That is why we have to think at different levels and go gradually, both in terms of tightening and in terms of easing measures. As we said in the document, we do not have an idea of ​​the exact situation because we need a series of parameters for that, but those who have them and are capable of implementing measures, must do so urgently, Prokic emphasizes, adding that regardless of the lack of measures . , people must understand that individual responsibility is now essential.

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Ivana Prokić points out that the UKP also proposed measures for other sectors that should be applied in the package for a more efficient fight. “I once again emphasize that coherence, trust, transparency and communication, and education are key in the implementation of the measures,” Prokic said. Some of the measures proposed by the UKP for Level 4 hazards are the transition to online teaching for secondary schools and universities, as well as for part-time primary schools. At the same time, it is recommended not only to travel urgently and immediately, but also that stores determine a special schedule in which older citizens can shop. The UKP also made suggestions regarding rallies and limiting the number of people.

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