CRISIS STAFF SESSION ENDED: Here’s if there will be a Belgrade shutdown


– Please don’t ruin all the good we did in the previous months, when Serbia was and still is one of the countries with the fewest new infections in Europe – said Goran Vesić after the session.

– There will be no closure of Belgrade, this is not discussed nor is the issue on the agenda. Do not read lies and nonsense about the supposed quarantine of social networks that are deliberately placed to deceive citizens. My position is that we must learn to live with the virus, allow the economy to function and lead a normal life, and at the same time preserve the health of citizens by applying epidemiological measures – said Vesić, Kurir reports.

The fact that Belgrade is once again the largest hotbed of the coronavirus in Serbia should warn us all that we must adhere to epidemiological measures.

We must take seriously the fact that of 111 new infections in Serbia on Thursday 1 October, up to 40 percent are in Belgrade, and that in our city, of the total number of tests, 4.3 percent are positive.

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