CRISIS STAFF SESSION COMPLETED Dr. Kisić on NEW working hours for indoor cafes


The working hours of cafes and restaurants in the interior will be extended until 11 pm, declared today epidemiologist Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević after the crisis staff session.

– The work of cafes and restaurants in the interior is extended until 11 at night. As for the number of people, it is limited by the size of the room, since the distance must be 1.5 meters and that must be the organization of the tables – said the epidemiologist Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

Going to restaurants and cafes is not mandatory, she says, adding that everyone should assess individual risk and if they decide on such risk, they should follow the recommendations.

– We have considered holding demonstrations, although the situation is more favorable, we believe that we should not allow it yet, great efforts have been made to make the situation favorable so that we can give in now – Kisić Tepavčević concluded.

He also commented on the current epidemiological situation in our country, the region and Europe.

– If we look back at the previous two weeks, the accumulated incidence in our country was 14 per 100,000, we are the country in Europe with the lowest contagion rate. In the previous week, the frequency rate was 7 per 100,000. There is a 100 times higher risk of infection in Montenegro than in our country, said epidemiologist Darija Kisić Tepavčević after the crisis staff session.

He pointed out that it was not by chance, that it was a reflection of preventive measures and the conscience of our citizens.

– We observe that there are countries that had a favorable situation, where the situation changed in a week or two. That shows that we have to persevere in moderation – he concluded.
