Crisis staff member on why the PCR TEST HAS INCREASED TO 9,000 dinars and what is the alternative for cheaper tests on personal request


The news that personal-requested PCR tests will go up in price from 6,000 to 9,000 dinars from January 6 has upset the public, because it is another additional cost. As Tanja Jovanović, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine, explains for “Blic”, the above price was unsustainable. Furthermore, he adds, in the last month antigen tests have been carried out in laboratories in Serbia, which are highly reliable and cost much less.

This is good news for our citizens who want to get tested even if they do not have coronary symptoms, but not for those who live abroad and who would come to Serbia during the holidays, because they are only recognized by the PCR test. Let us remind you, as we wrote, after entering Serbia on Sunday December 20, if they do not have a negative PCR test, our citizens are obliged to go to home isolation, which they can break if they do the test, but only in this way. They will also need a PCR test upon returning to the country where they normally live and work.

Professor Jovanović, a virologist who is also a member of the Crisis Staff for the fight against coronavirus, says that the price of 6,000 dinars for the PCR test was unrealistic, emphasizing that the tests remain free for all citizens with symptoms. , while they will have to pay only those that are tested on personal request, and that is mainly due to travel.

– If you have symptoms, if the doctor considers that a PCR test should be done, in that case he does not pay anything, as before – says Prof. Jovanovic.

The price is unsustainable

He also says he has long planned to make the on-demand PCR test more expensive, because “the current price is unsustainable.”

Prof.  Dra. Tanja Jovanovic

Photo: Emil Čonkić / RAS Serbia

Prof. Dra. Tanja Jovanovic

– Since May, the Laboratory Services Working Group has asked for a price increase. No one determines the price as a lump sum, but it is clearly defined on the basis of the structure: our interlocutor states and points out that there are different types of trade tests that cost differently, but that a single average price is always calculated.

– You have first a commercial kit (test), then consumables such as tubes, test tubes, protective equipment, because Wednesday is an invective agent and finally, an expert team involved in carrying out the test, which consists of a doctor specializing in microbiology , molecular biologist and laboratory technician. When you add up all these costs, you get the price of the test – notes prof. Jovanovic.

He claims that even with the 9,000 PCR test, we are competitive and environmentally friendly.

– When I say that, I mean Croatia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, not to mention Western Europe – says prof. Jovanovic.

Antigen tests are reliable, but cheaper

By the way, as we found out, antigen tests have been conducted in healthcare institutions in Serbia for almost a month, which are reliable 1-3 days before the onset of symptoms and 5 days after the onset of symptoms. The results of this test depend on a well taken sample, and the sample is the same as that taken in the PCR test: a sample from the nose and throat.

At the Belgrade Pharmaceutical Institution and a few others in Serbia, we also learned that the sale of these tests in pharmacies will start tomorrow.

– If they decide to carry out a personal demand antigen test, citizens get a shorter time (about one hour), for less money, compared to the previous personal demand PCR test, a highly reliable result and therefore , start treatment earlier, which is a basic requirement for a recovery from this terrible disease – says prof. Jovanovic.

If the antigen test is positive, confirm the disease as well as the PCR test and receive corona therapy. If it is negative and still has symptoms, the doctor sends the patient for a free PCR test.

Starting next week in prisons and at personal request, the price is 3,500 dinars

Antigen tests are being carried out in all Covid clinics and, upon personal request next week, will be available to citizens at the Serbian Institutes of Public Health at a price of 3,500 dinars.

The costs of tests to citizens, by the way, are not borne by the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic, but the tests are paid from the budget of the Republic of Serbia.

Discourage people from traveling

As for the price of the PCR test, there is another reason for the price increase, and it is to discourage people from traveling during the holidays, so that our Serbian people do not go abroad during the winter, and because our citizens they want to come to Serbia for the holidays. .

This was confirmed by epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon.

Let us remind you, the Government of Serbia yesterday made official the decision according to which all our citizens will go directly to home isolation for 10 days after entering Serbia, and can leave when they have a PCR test or come with a negative PCR test, which is a recommendation. .

Predrag Kon

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Predrag Kon

– The price increase also has the function of discouraging, giving up travel, which is useful at this time – said Dr. Kon as a guest on TV Prva: “Thinking about the price is not at the center of the thought of an epidemiologist . issue in crisis personnel “.

Many have already given up

And indeed, those who may have thought of coming to Serbia for the holidays have now given up. This is demonstrated by the example of our family in Germany, who tells us that the tests and procedures would require a lot of money and time.

– There are four of us, which means we would need 36,000 dinars just to come. If we take into account that we would have to wait two days for the tests to be ready, again, the rest time is shortened. The situation is only complicated for the return to Germany. Because you have to spend five days in quarantine there, and only then is a test done, our interlocutors tell us.
