CRISIS STAFF DIRECTION: The third wave surpassed the first two, we did not expect it to be so strong (VIDEO)


At the beginning of the speech, Dr. Mirsad Đerlek presented data on the number of people infected in the last 24 hours.

– In the last 24 hours, the coronavirus was confirmed in 3,499 people, and at the same time, 17 patients died as a result of this disease. and 14,116 people were tested. There are 158 patients on the ventilator – said Dr. Djerlek.

Djerlek noted that we are all in a very delicate situation and said that we must pay attention to how the measures are implemented in practice, and not just to introduce new ones.

– I emphasize that today the amendments to the Law on the fight against infectious diseases have entered into force. Such measures may lead to victory over the epidemic, but a group of irresponsible citizens continues to ignore requests and recommendations, Djerlek notes.

He pointed out that life in Serbia cannot stop, just as the economy cannot stop, and that we must find a good balance between protecting the population and the economy.

– With the adoption of new measures, we achieve nothing, if those that have already been adopted are not respected. We are fighting a double battle now, to save lives and save the economy. The new measures will be announced in the next two days.

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He asked the younger population to respect the measures, and not to endanger their loved ones by going to places of risk.

Djerlek said that the third wave surpassed the first two and that there are now more patients in the statistics than in the first two.

– We did not expect the third wave to be so strong, or to last that long. In terms of age categories, we have people of all ages in hospitals. From babies to the elderly. As for the deceased, most of them are older fellow citizens, but clinicians have seen that the youngest in a short time go from a mild clinical picture to a serious one, and that they have to wear a respirator, after which they die.

Dr. Đerlek pointed out that not everything is so black and that now we all have more experience in fighting the virus. He also stated that we must take care of patients suffering from other illnesses, and not just those with the corona virus.

– Our state really did everything it could, even more than some states that are much stronger economically than us. We will confirm this with the construction of two new kovid hospitals, which will alleviate our health system.

Djerlek stated that he respects Professor Nestorovic and that he also treated his children with him, but responded to his claims about wearing a mask.

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– Masks not only protect against kovida 19, but also have an impact on reducing the number of flu patients. We cannot judge everyone on the basis of a small group of people, as most still respect the measures.

Đerlek also spoke about the work of the cafes, emphasizing that the new amendments to the law provide that a greater number of people check if the measures are observed in the catering facilities.

– It is essential that the measures are respected, if we respect them, the transmission of the virus will fall. As for the law, the minister has been given much greater powers than before, and can decide on entry into the country and the conditions under which it is allowed – said Djerlek, noting that he recommends that all citizens be vaccinated against the kovid when the vaccine arrives. to Serbia and be approved by our agency.

He said that we need more solidarity, patience and will, and that we have suffered much greater misfortunes, so we will survive the epidemic.

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