CRISIS STAFF CONFERENCE: Will Serbia’s borders be closed again?


Since the last report, samples from 6,933 people have been tested, of which 173 are positive. One person died in the last 24 hours.

A total of 1,186,654 people were tested for the corona virus in the Republic of Serbia at 3 p.m.

There are currently 21 patients on respirators.

The total number of deaths is 761.

When it comes to people who have been reinfected with the coronavirus in Serbia, Dr. Kisić said that there are cases of this type, which are sporadic, but she does not know the exact number.

– Regarding the virological characteristics of this virus, the majority of the professional and scientific public is convinced that it is a virus of natural origin, but the type of theories you mentioned a while ago have never been discarded, but all the investigations they have said it is a virus. of natural origin.

– Whatever its origin, we should do everything possible to fight it.

– The search for contacts was not interrupted at any time – said Dr. Kisić Tepavčević.

– Except that the contact was not an indication for testing, but at no point was the investigation of the contact interrupted. He said that at this time, we have 170 elementary and middle school students who have been prescribed a measure of self-isolation at home and 26 teachers.

– We have different types of contacts, it must be determined exactly at what time the contact occurred, if it occurred during the incubation period, if it was a sufficient contact for the transmission of the causative agent, in what environment it was made and based on that. prescribed self-isolation measures or what applies to all of us, all preventive epidemiological measures.

– The introduction of the new system meets the imposition of measures – said Mihajlo Jovanović.

He explained that the new system will allow the borders of Serbia not to be closed and that it will also affect the discipline of citizens.

Tightening measures and preparation for the third wave

We cannot say that we expect the third wave because we do not know to what extent it will happen. The health system is ready, but we hope that we will never have to use the full capabilities of the health system again. As for the health system, it is ready, but it is up to us to do everything possible so that it is not fully used, said Dr. Kisić Tepavčević.

When it comes to closing borders and introducing a curfew, Dr. Kisić Tepavčević said it is not necessary at this time.

Will new prevention measures be introduced?

– You know that knowledge about the virus has changed around the world. What has remained unchanged and what has proven extremely effective are these preventive measures. At first, these general prevention measures looked like this, simply until a vaccine was found.

– The strategy must be that absolutely each one of us understands that this is something extremely important. If each of us behaves like this, we will see the results very soon – said Dr. Kisić Tepavčević and pointed out, for example, from China, where there have been no cases of transmission of new viruses for ten days.

New communication system announced

The director of the electronic system office, Mihajlo Jovanović, announced a new communication system with citizens, which will prevent the spread of the virus.

– The main objective is to digitally connect different state systems to better control the epidemic. To do that, five different information systems were integrated – he said.

Jovanovic explained that in this way, all information will be available to citizens as soon as it is created.

– Thanks to this approach, a measure of self-isolation will be issued to citizens electronically, as well as a control of respect. Citizens will be informed in a timely manner through the e-health or e-Government portal – he said.

Corona in schools

– Since the beginning of the school year, 98 children have fallen ill. During the past week, 17 children were tested for the presence of coronavirus. It was a sporadic infection with the virus and all the children are in home isolation and in the case of online classes, said Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

– According to the age distribution, the largest number of patients is between 20 and 40 years old, they constitute 40% of the patients. When it comes to the group of people over 65, it is mainly the contact with a younger relative. Those who are most exposed and who obviously apply the least preventive measures that have been shown to save lives are sick – said the deputy director of the “Trampoline” Institute, Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

– It is good that the trend of increasing laboratory cases does not follow the trend of hospitalized patients and respirators. Still, we are concerned about the increase. If we look at the incidence of the disease in all European countries, and Slovenia and Croatia and Hungary and Romania have set records, a high probability of it happening in our environment, it does not have to be this way, but it depends on us. We really have to do our best now – says Kisić Tepavčević.

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