CRISIS STAFF CONFERENCE: Kon presents black figures and announces when the measures will give results (VIDEO)


At the beginning of the conference, epidemiologist Predrag Kon presented the latest corona section: in the last 24 hours, 22,404 people were tested for coronavirus in Serbia, 7,780 of them tested positive, while sadly 57 people died.

There are 245 patients on ventilators in health institutions throughout Serbia.

According to Kon, 155,994 people have been infected in Serbia since the beginning of the epidemic, of which 1,423 have died.

Most of the patients are housed at the Stark Arena, up to 480 people, while KBC Zvezdara ranks second with 404 patients.

Kon said that the most infected in the last 24 hours are in Belgrade: 2,033 people.

A total of 2,434 health workers became ill and 66 of them were hospitalized.

Kon said that the most infected in the last 24 hours are in Belgrade: 2,033 people.

Photo: Printskrin

Kon stated that we still have more hospital admissions than discharges on a daily basis.

– Today there will also be transfers of patients who are about to be cured in temporary hospitals in kovid. All of Serbia is now a big kovid hospital. The transfer can be to other places. The remarks on transportation and accommodation are not suited to the situation in which we find ourselves – said Kon.

Responding to reporters’ question, Kon said that we can see the effects of the new measures after ten days.

Responding to the question about the crowds in the shopping malls on Black Friday, Kon said that there are measures that must be respected and that the responsibility is transferred to those who organized it. Read more about this CLICK HERE!

The director of KCV, Edita Stokić, said that 359 patients were hospitalized in this institution, which is the highest number since the beginning of the epidemic in our country.

Photo: Printskrin

“There have never been so many exams during the night, nor have there been so many hospitalized patients during the day,” Stokić said.

He adds that yesterday’s oxygen consumption exceeded the previous consumption of several months.

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