CRISIS STAFF CONFERENCE: First direction after the introduction of new measures (VIDEO)


At the beginning of the conference, Mirsad Đerlek announced new data related to the corona virus.

– In the last 24 hours, 22,497 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 7,782 of them tested positive, while sadly 69 people died! According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the Institute “Trampoline”, there are 270 patients on ventilators in hospitals throughout Serbia, he said.

Most of those infected were in Belgrade – 1975, then 475 in Novi Sad, Kragujevac 288, Nis 253, Kraljevo 207, Pancevo 172 and remained below 100.

– At KC Vojvodina, there are 422 patients who are hospitalized, 25 are on mechanical ventilation. A large number of them receive intensive oxygen, said Dr. Stokić.

The Fair will also be turned into a kovid hospital, he added.

There were 160 exams in the Emergency Center.

– We have noticed that in recent weeks the influx of patients has been large, but they are with a moderate and severe clinical picture, but also those who are critical patients. Each of our units also has an intensive care unit where they are hospitalized, he said.

As she said, the health workers at KC Vojvodina could not escape the corona disease with the virus.

“It still manages to successfully cover all staff capacities, transferring health workers from one institution to another,” Dr. Stokić noted.

Dr. Djerlek stated that the vaccine appears in record time and that it will be of exceptional importance in the difficult fight against kovid 19.

He recalled that new and more stringent measures came into force in Serbia today due to the spread of the kovid 19 virus, and this is the first address of the crisis staff members after their adoption.

Cafes, restaurants, bars, discos and rafts will be closed from Friday at 5 pm until Monday at 5 am without exception. His working hours will be from Monday to Friday from 5 to 17 hours. These facilities are authorized to deliver food uninterruptedly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as well as to other businessmen whose main activity is.

Pumps, pharmacies, surgeries will work without restrictions. The markets will also be open on weekends from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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