Crisis staff ambush: all eyes on a move the prime minister doesn’t want


Belgrade: The crisis staff of the Serbian government for the suppression of the coronavirus will hold a session at noon.

Source: Tanjug

Tanjug / Zoran Zestic

Tanjug / Zoran Zestic

It is unknown at this time if new measures will be introduced to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said Wednesday that there are no plans to toughen the measures at this time and that it would be wrong to close schools now.

Education Minister Branko Ružić said on Wednesday that crisis staff will discuss a possible extension of the fall break for primary school children.

Crisis staff member Branislav Tiodrovic said yesterday that when the number of newly infected exceeds 2,000, which happened in Serbia, the only effective measure is to close all catering facilities after 9pm and limit meetings to a maximum of five people.

Epidemiologist and staff member Predrag Kon said that the epidemiological situation is deteriorating and is turning from unfavorable to an emergency, and mass gatherings and risky contacts should be avoided.

In Serbia, the number of newly infected with coronavirus on Wednesday, for the first time since the start of the pandemic, exceeded 2,000 in 24 hours.

2,412 new cases were registered, in 12,617 people examined and 2,181 new cases were confirmed on Thursday in 12,480 people examined.
