Crisis staff addresses citizens with the latest information on the corona virus (VIDEO)



18.12.2020. 15:42 – 18.12.2020. 16:08


Conference, Photo: Printscreen /

The previous restrictive measures, which were originally in effect until December 15, expire today, and the members of the crisis staff discussed the epidemiological situation in today’s session, whether the previous measures produced results, as well as the possible introduction of new measures or mitigation of existing ones.

According to announcements in the media, crisis personnel could make a decision on the relaxation of certain measures, mainly those related to the extension of working hours in shopping centers, hairdressers and beauty salons during the week and weekends.

crisis headquarters

crisis headquarters, Photo: Printscreen

Dr. Zoran Gojković presented the most recent data, 4,910 positives, 349 patients on respirators, and 51 people died.

Dr. Snezana Jovanovic says that nobody talks about the fact that we have introduced rapid tests and thus shorten the time of diagnosis. The price of 6,000 does not cover expenses either. Even the price of 9,000 dinars cannot offset the costs.

DR Gojković said that the current situation in Serbia was analyzed in this morning’s session and that there are no new measures for now.


Conference, Photo: Printscreen /

– All the measures that have been in force until now will remain until further notice. The news is that as of December 20, all citizens entering Serbia will have to undergo a negative PCR test 48 hours before entering. We are talking about people who are not citizens of Serbia. Our citizens who do not have a PCR test enter quarantine upon entering Serbia.

He pointed out that new measures were also discussed, but that they depend on the epidemiological situation.

– We have managed to flatten the contagion curve, and according to the evolution of the situation, we will make a decision on more restrictive measures, or we will give in to them. What we all agree on at Crisis Staff is that from Monday it will be possible for cultural institutions, theaters, cinemas, galleries and museums to function for a long time. We will see if it will be until 8 or 9 pm

He says that decision was made because it was extremely rare for visitors to cultural institutions to become infected.


Conference, Photo: Printscreen /

Dr. Gojković said that the Agency for the Sale of Medicines authorized the sale of a large number of antigen tests and explained that they were entered only by doctors and medical workers, and not for the general population.

– I ask citizens who have bought or acquired antigen tests not to take them. Even if they took the swab themselves, due to incompetence they can get a false positive result or self harm. It is not for individual use, and I point it out again, not because we are defending it to someone, but because it is not registered for that purpose and because it can be dangerous.

The inspections are carried out in the field and will determine who is responsible for those omissions.

Dr. Gojković said that ALIMS gave permission for the importation of the phaser vaccine yesterday and that we expect the first contingent to arrive in Serbia next week.

– Then it will be subjected to further tests in our laboratory, and then we will be able to offer it to all citizens of Serbia who are interested in it. Our experts know their work and we will consider all approved vaccines.

He also commented on the current crowds at the borders, noting that most of these people are in transit through Serbia and that our country is not their final destination.

– Regarding the increase in people in front of Kovid’s ambulance, it is true that this is happening, and that a certain number of people have to wait in front. We are trying in every possible way to provide additional tents, heaters and prefabricated facilities so that people do not wait, and those who have to wait do not stand in the cold – said Gojković, and claimed that crisis staff warned during months prevention was better such scenes do not occur.

– We have been insisting on that from the beginning and I do not want to accuse or justify anyone. But we have realized that a large number of patients is challenging at the same time. We hope that with the fall in the number of infected people and the discharge of people from hospitals, we will have no more waiting and delays.

Gojković noted that we are expecting 5,000 phaser vaccines next week, and that another 10,000 should arrive by the end of the year, and that we will receive another 350,000 vaccines in the first quarter of next year.

– Serbia is one of the 5 countries in the world to sign an agreement with Pfizer. That is exactly the main factor why we get a lot of shots so early. You can see for yourself that there is a huge gap for vaccines around the world and that big countries are fighting over drugs. Remember how it was with the respirators. I believe that right now we will be able to provide our citizens with a vaccine that is safe and effective, and that we will get it very soon.


Take care and take care of yourself and the health of the people around you!
