Crisis site: Everything remains the same for the weekend, the new measures will depend on the number of new patients


This weekend the same measures will be applied to suppress the spread of the coronavirus that have been in force until now, said the provincial secretary of Health, Zoran Gojković, at the Crisis Staff press conference. The only novelty, as he said, is that a negative PCR test no longer than 48 hours will be required to enter Serbia from Sunday, December 20, while the working hours of cultural institutions will be extended from Monday.

“We had a Crisis Staff session this morning and we analyzed the current epidemiological situation, and we simply continue with what we had until now. The weekend will be the same as the previous one. All the measures that have been in force until now will remain until new. notice”. Gojković said.

The only news is that as of Sunday, December 20, a negative PCR test no longer than 48 hours will be required to enter Serbia, about which the Government of Serbia has already informed the public, he recalled.

Other measures to take were also discussed. They depend mainly on the current epidemiological situation and the number of new infections. We see that at this time we have managed to flatten our infection curve. Depending on the number of new cases, we will make decisions about possible more restrictive measures. and possible mitigation of the measures, “Gojković said.

The Crisis Staff proposal, on which everyone agrees, he added, is to extend the working hours of cultural institutions, that is, theaters, cinemas, galleries and museums, starting Monday.

“We will see if it will be until 8 at night or until 9 at night,” Gojković said, noting that according to the data available to the Crisis Personnel, infection is extremely rare in cultural institutions, if all cultural institutions are respected. precautionary measures.

“The only problem here is the employees. It is impossible for the performing artists, the actors on stage to wear a mask and maintain a physical distance. There are certain protocols by which they are tested before each performance and therefore the greatest part of the responsibility rests with those responsible for cultural institutions. “But when it comes to the audience itself, if all measures are followed, the probability of the infection spreading to these institutions is extremely small,” says Gojković.

He also said that the measures to shorten the working hours of cultural institutions were in force mainly for the protection of employees, because the public is aware that a large number of performing artists fell ill, as well as that some of them tragically ended their lives .

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
