Crisis personnel: any returnee who does not show up should know what they are violating


Crisis personnel announced that 61 percent of the total number of infections during the day – from the territory of two cities, namely Belgrade and Kragujevac, while 45 percent of the new infected are from the Belgrade city area. . Speaking about the return of citizens from vacations abroad and the measures that take effect at 6 in the afternoon, it was said that “whoever does not report should know that they are in violation.” They stated that the risk of the disease, for example in Montenegro, is “25 times higher than in our country, even higher than last week.”

Seven children and four mothers were hospitalized at Dragisa Mišović Hospital.

These days, citizens are about to share information. The basic idea of ​​the measure is to inform all citizens about the current epidemiological situation in the countries of the region, in order to see the risk for them and their families if they travel, said epidemiologist Darija Kisić Tepavčević. “It is the duty of all of us to inform the citizens of our country, so we ask our citizens to return and respect all preventive measures to minimize the risk of further transmission of the infection (in Serbia), if someone becomes infected abroad. of our country “.

When asked what the criminal policy will be for those who do not respond through the eHealth portal, if they come from countries with higher virus transmission, Kisić Tepavčević said that the issue of legal provisions is “something that should not be in the foreground” . “In my opinion, the worst punishment would be to catch it and transmit the infection to your loved ones. This is something that is legally regulated and there are acts that prescribe penalties for disrespect, but here the emphasis is not on that, the emphasis is on this fight … We must be in solidarity and act as a team, and the objective of introducing these measures is to control the transmission of the virus to our environment ”, added Kisic Tepavcevic.

The objective of the measures, as well as of the information, is, says the doctor, to allow better control, to draw the attention of the public about what to pay attention to in the next ten days, to whom and when to go if they appear. symptoms, adding that the Crisis Staff hopes they acted responsibly. These new precautionary measures are certainly not ruled out, we have a much more favorable epidemiological situation than in other European countries, but that may change, he emphasizes. He believes that citizens have shown in recent weeks that they are responsible and that these results are not accidental.

“Those who received the notification today before 6 pm are not required to register on the portal, however, we recommend, although they are not required, to register because there is a useful self-assessment test: to see if they have a higher risk “. says Kisić Tepavčević. She emphasizes that we all know that there are those who carry the virus without symptoms, adding that they should also know that they can transmit it anyway.

Kon said that the system was created to benefit us all: “In Belgrade, I affirm with confidence, there are already cases of illness among returnees. Even in a health center – out of nine positives, three were those who came from Montenegro. Turkey from Egypt, Croatia … “. He emphasizes that everyone needs three minutes to log in and register for eHealth, as well as that everyone can find someone to help them, if they can’t, they can finally ask for help. and of people in health establishments.

As for criminal policy, Kon said that anyone who does not report should know that they are in violation. The state forced the individual to take care of himself, to report in those 10 days, because it is important, the most important thing for us is to discover these mild cases, added Kon.

As he said, Serbia is among the best in Europe in terms of epidemiological situation, “and we must maintain that situation.” “And we found a model that we hope works perfectly. So far, that self-assessment test, which has been expanded here, has been tested on 50,000 people,” she said.

About the crowds at the border

When asked by H1 if this decision could be counterproductive because everyone, when they found out, began to return to the country, so there were crowds on trains, buses, Kon said that it should not be counterproductive, “because it has reduced the number of days of exposure in an area with 20 times the activity of the virus and that is a fact “

Overcrowding of trains and buses – I can’t judge that, the question is how many of them return like this, says Kon, estimating that personal transportation is mainly used. “When it comes to air transport, there are no concerns because there is not a single case connected, because of the good ventilation and the use of masks. It is also regulated on the bus that people wear masks, so there should be no excesses “.

What’s very important is that only a simple monitoring system has been established, adds Kon. “We called on citizens to return – it is a call not to be in an area where transmission is intense and nothing more … Anyone who has decided to stay safe to protect themselves more and think more about it, so the effect of all that needs to be done next is to send the system, it is being tested now, we will have a lot of citizens somewhere before the big holidays … Not to mention before the New Year and Christmas. then it will be from great utility, “said Dr. Kon.

The results, he says, show that we are responsible and disciplined. He added that it will be difficult in schools if the virus is very present, but affirmed that “if we really respect all the measures that we bring, we have a serious chance of avoiding a dramatic coup like the one we had in July.”

The risk is higher in Montenegro

Darija Kisić Tepavčević commented on the question that appeared in public: why the decision was made on Friday at 6pm and why the measure was not introduced earlier, stating that the reason was that they wanted to allow time for our people to prepare and return to your country. , so as not to create crowds and queues. She stated that we can act responsibly and conscientiously even when there are a lot of people.

In Montenegro, where a significant number of our citizens live, as the most recent data shows, the risk of getting sick for those who went to that country is 25 times higher than in our country, even higher than last week, said Kisić Tepavčević.

There are currently 229 people hospitalized in Montenegro and 331 in Serbia, he said, adding that we know the largest population in our country. Regarding the clinical picture, the risk of hospitalization in Montenegro is eight times higher than in our country, he concluded.
