Crisis headquarters: shopping malls, cafes and restaurants are open until 8 pm


The epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff Branislav Tiodorović affirmed after the session of that body that the proposals were adopted to allow the work of shopping centers, as well as all service activities, on business days until 8 pm. Cafes and restaurants can also be open until 8 pm, respecting existing measures, “without using music in any way,” he added. The measures should be taken by the Serbian government in today’s session, Tiodorović said.

Tiodorović assessed today’s crisis staff session as “serious and difficult” and added thatThese measures will be scheduled until Friday, when a new evaluation of the epidemiological situation will be carried out. Then, as he said, it will be evaluated whether those measures will be extended, modified or completed.

He added that the watchmen of the shopping centers should carry out the control as planned, and commenting on the work of cafes and restaurants without music, he assessed that it is considered “that however, with music, people relax, do not respect the measures and there is the possibility of easier transmission of the virus. “

Cultural institutions will continue to operate until 9:00 p.m., added Tiodorović.

Tiodorović said there was a “very slight” drop in the number of patients, “but with a tendency to have a decrease in the number of patients in Kovid hospitals.”

“Depending on the general situation, the number of first examinations, and there has been a decrease in the number of first examinations in covid clinics, other decisions will depend, which we will analyze again on Friday,” said Tiodorović.

Responding to the question about the measures for the New Year, Tiodorović said that he is thinking hard about it, but that it will depend on the epidemiological situation.

When it comes to tests for the coronavirus that have come up for free sale, he says there was probably a misunderstanding.

“It shouldn’t have happened that these tests were for sale for free,” Tiodorović said.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
