
The crisis headquarters in charge of monitoring the current epidemiological situation is ambushed today, and the return of our citizens from abroad is mentioned as the main issue mentioned. The option of ten-day quarantine or self-isolation is not yet completely ruled out.

The latest crown figures are not encouraging. That is, according to the last section, 108 people were infected in Serbia, of the 3,082 analyzed. That’s 50 percent more than the day before, when many more people were tested. Is a new danger coming? Apparently something like that is realistic looking at the numbers.

In this sense, according to the announcements of epidemiologists, the return of people from abroad will surely be discussed again in today’s Crisis Staff. Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon also spoke about this for the first time at the previous conference.

Kon: “There will be no quarantine outside your own apartment”

Kon noted that among the options is not quarantine in an institution outside the residence address.

Predrag Kon Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Predrag Kon

– You want us to be clairvoyant, there will be a Crisis Staff on Monday, we have been talking about epidemiological risk for three weeks, this topic is constantly on the agenda. I have already said several times that the border with Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina is open for political reasons, and we constantly say that warnings are shared if someone returns from those countries. There will be no quarantine in the sense of closing outside the apartment itself, that is not in the plan, there are so-called self-isolation, we have recommended it, especially for children, and we have a situation where that was respected – said Kon.

As he added, concrete measures will be known today.

– Everyone who comes back from vacation and gets into trouble, they should first think about kovid and first turn it off and then get treatment. It is also an obligation to tell the doctor that you came from abroad – said Kon.

Gojkovic: “It’s interesting to buy some time in the fall”

However, the quarantine option was not completely rejected by the provincial health secretary, Zoran Gojković.

He stated that crisis staff will consider introducing quarantine for those returning to Serbia from abroad in Monday’s session. He said that the return of citizens from countries in the region with the worst epidemiological situation is especially problematic. He told TV Pink that “the interest is to buy a little time in the fall, because the winter period is affected by viruses.”

Zoran GojkovicPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Zoran Gojkovic

Gojković recalled that the risk of getting sick is higher because school started and the students returned to the dormitories, and that it is necessary to respect preventive measures.

Jankovic: “Self-isolation is necessary”

The fact that the situation may go in the wrong direction is also demonstrated by the fact that the epidemiological situation in Montenegro is among the most dangerous in Europe, with around 75,000 Serbs currently spending their summers there. The immunologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Srdja Jankovic, also referred to the self-isolation of all of them.

It says that the recommendation has a maximum possible incubation duration for anyone who comes from an area where kovid activity is high, it does not have the force of a legal obligation, but it is no less important to protect health and life.

Srdja jankovicPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Srdja jankovic

“There is no logistical apparatus that can control that, but the crisis personnel are of the opinion that self-isolation is necessary, because that way we will protect our people and the health of all of us,” Janković said.

What will happen to the public meetings?

Another potential topic that will be discussed in today’s crisis staff is undoubtedly public meetings.

In the previous days it was said that several inquiries were sent to the Crisis Staff to allow meetings at various events. Epidemiologist Predarag Kon said at the previous conference that this will certainly be discussed.

When asked if there was pressure on crisis personnel in that regard, Kon said “there is always pressure.”

The Association of the Blind, he says, is asking us to have their own electoral conference, adding that this is not pressure, but a realistic request.

coronavirusPhoto: Nenad Pavlović / RAS Serbia


– There is pressure on when a concert should be held and no one has submitted a request. That is the pressure – points out the epidemiologist and reveals that the only thing that individuals, the government and even the president have to do is show the way.

Dr. Kon said they would discuss the fair demonstrations.

– They are not as visited as the automobile fair and the book fair. We received the letters and I personally received the letter, so it is normal that we also have to look at the financial aspect – said Dr. Kon.

He added that musicians who work, who organize celebrations, a large number of people are stripped of their usual job and “those who think financially think so.”

– Certainly it is a serious swing of what we are and we should give in and what we should not. Each concession is an opening of some risk – says Dr. Kon.
