Criminal clans fight in the streets of Belgrade, the state reacts with strong words


In just two months, four fatal criminal clashes occurred in Serbia. Meanwhile, wounded and disappeared. Serbia’s president says the state knows who committed the murder on Thursday and that the search for that person is ongoing, but does not reveal his identity. He assures that, previously announced, the fight against crime has already begun. Some, however, doubt that the state can deal with the mafia.

The murder of Bojan Mirković on November 12 in the Belleville settlement the latest in a series of criminal clashes in Belgrade. Mirkovic is related to the scallop criminal clan.

He was injured in the parking lot of the Ušće shopping center on October 17., and then Aleksandar Šarac, who had been the target of a hitman earlier, succumbed to his injuries. Police previously said there was a suspect, but what happened to that case is still unknown.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić says the police know who committed the murder yesterday in New Belgrade and that the search for that person is ongoing.

“They thought it was impossible to find out. The interesting thing is that the person who was liquidated, as well as the one recently liquidated in Usce, had his important contacts with certain people from state structures, and that is what the majority are interested in and we will work on that. “says Vučić.

The fight against crime has begun, says the president, adding that the detainees are in high positions in one of the clans that tried to kill the so-called Alibeg. This is Nenad Alajbegović, the former leader of the Partizan fan group “Zabranjeni”, who was injured several times, the last time in early November, and another former leader of the same group, Nenad A., was also injured.

Journalist Vuk Cvijić says that nowhere in the world is there a mafia that does not have contacts with state institutions, but that in Serbia those contacts are especially strong and obvious.

“We have seen somehow that some strange people appear with some criminal files, and if you like, in the same environment of the president at his inauguration. These are members of criminal hooligan clans that were informal security. CRIK and internal journalists identified them by name, “he recalls.

To the series of deaths, we add the explosion of the jeep exactly two months ago, when Strahinja Stojanović died, who was sentenced several times, and was released from prison two years ago. It is suspected that he was close to the Šaranović brothers at the time they were at war with Luka Bojović. He also appeared as a witness in the trial for the murder of Nikola Bojovic, Luka’s brother.

Some, however, doubt the state’s confrontation with the mafia. Lawyer Miodrag Majić recalls that it was announced earlier.

“But even then, if we remember, we listen to it. For me, it was a very disturbing statement. Yes, the state, it’s not that there is no possibility of fighting the mafia, but it cannot organize those fanatics and those criminal clans among the fans, “says Majić.

KRIK editor Stevan Dojčinović recalls that the “fierce confrontation within the underground” has been going on for years. “And it is clear that the state cannot stop it because it has been going on for years,” he said.

The murder also occurred on November 11 in the Braće Jerković settlement. Vedran Repčić, who was killed at the time, had been a target before. He was sentenced in 2003 to ten years in prison for the 1998 murder.

President Vučić says we have “imported criminal clans”. “The spirits were stirred after the assassination attempt in Ukraine, and it is obvious that they have their own accounts and they think it is possible, but we will make Serbia not a scene of conflict for them and Serbia become hell for them.” Vucic said.

As H1 finds out, for weeks, there have been clashes between the two Belgrade clans that arose after their connections with the Montenegrin clans.
