Criminal charges were filed against the girl’s assailant


The Third Base Prosecutor’s Office announced the incident in New Belgrade, when a woman was attacked and beaten by a man, which can be seen in the video circulating on the networks.

– On the occasion of the events of September 24, 2020, when serious bodily injuries were inflicted on the injured party, we note that the police reported the prosecutor on duty, but since the degree of injury was not determined at that time, the prosecutor was ordered to report to the prosecutor.

Three days after the event, the injured party presented a medical report to the police, ordered that the person be questioned and a criminal complaint be filed with the Prosecutor’s Office for the crime of Serious Bodily Injury in accordance with article 121 of the Code Penal.

In addition, we would like to inform you that the suspect was not detained, considering that he was not previously convicted, nor did the prosecution order that a misdemeanor complaint be filed, as expressed by the media.

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