Cries and lamentations echo from the house of the murdered María, the relatives are speechless, they cannot believe what happened to them


The door to the house of Marija S.’s family in Kačarevo, who was killed yesterday in a car in front of her apartment in Pančevo, is wide open today since the early hours of the morning.

Two relatives of the late Marija are standing at the front door of the family home. Their hands are shaking, they cry, they hardly speak:

– We still can’t see reason and we don’t believe what happened to us. Our Mary no longer exists …

Crying and wailing can be heard from inside the house.

– That mother leaves the child behind the child … For our love – says the cousin.

He emphasizes that those closest to Mary are very shocked and are not capable of any story. They apologize and want us to understand them and their pain.

The date and time of the funeral have yet to be determined.

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– We wait for the autopsy to be completed and only then will we know what and how to proceed – says the relative.

Marija’s family neighborhood in Kačarevo, like her neighbors in Pancevo, where she lived, has only words of praise for her and her family. Nobody knows what happened yesterday and how things turned out.

One of the neighbors claims that she heard rumors that Marija was having an affair with a man.

– It is said that he is married and that he allegedly promised to divorce. They say that Maria wanted to end the relationship with him, but that he loved her pathologically and was sickly jealous. Maybe that’s why she killed. None of us are afraid to discover the real truth. He and Mary will take that secret to the grave – says the neighbor.


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Author: delivery courier
