Crazy idea of ​​the Albanians, this is how they imagined the final agreement!



19.09.2020. 13:52

Although Resolution 1244 was approved by one of the most important organs of the United Nations, the organization in which the so-called Kosovo wants to join so much, the Prime Minister of Pristina, Avdulah Hoti, planned to “abolish” this document through the provisions of the agreement. global to be achieved with Belgrade.

Avdulah Hoti

Avdulah Hoti, Photo: Tanjug / AP

He presented this idea to MPs in Pristina, adding that the agreement with Belgrade should oblige the European Union to obtain Kosovo’s recognition from the five Union countries that have not yet done so.

Former UN ambassador Vladislav Jovanovic says such demands from Pristina seem more guerrilla than political. It also notes that it is known how the resolutions adopted by the Security Council change.

Will Albanians be able to repeal Resolution 1244?

– The only one that could consider the idea of ​​replacing or withdrawing Resolution 1244 is the Security Council, and for that it would be necessary to determine in advance that it has lost its value or that a situation has developed that no longer makes it necessary. In this way, which they envisioned in Pristina, only shows that they are not even close to statehood and that they are amateurs in foreign policy, says Jovanović.

Regarding Pristina’s plan to use the Belgrade deal as pressure on EU members who do not recognize Kosovo, Slobodan Zecevic, associate at the Institute of European Affairs, says it is likely based on Belgrade’s desire to recognize independence. of Kosovo and the assumption that Serbia will. this agreement.

Avdulah Hoti

Avdulah Hoti, Photo: Tanjug / AP

– There is no new vote in the field of EU foreign policy, but as it was not possible to take a unanimous decision on the recognition of Kosovo, that question is left to each member individually. If Serbia recognizes Kosovo through a comprehensive agreement, it would be a strong argument to ask those five countries to do the same, and Brussels could do so, for example, through a recommendation. They count on that in Pristina – says Zecevic.

The five EU members that did not recognize Kosovo are Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Spain, and the “EUobserver” portal writes that Spain would be ready to recognize Kosovo if an agreement is reached with Serbia.

Hashim Thaci

Hashim Thaci, Photo: screen print / facebook

– Our position is not obstructionist. She is, on the contrary, constructive. The Spanish position can be synthesized in the following sentence: “nothing without an agreement, everything with him”, including political recognition and the establishment of diplomatic relations, as this portal was informed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The president of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Hashim Thaci, sent a letter to the president of the United States, Donald Trump, informing him that he would be awarded the medal “Order of Freedom” for his role in reaching an agreement on economic normalization. of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, Reuters reported.

It is the highest decoration awarded by Pristina, while Trump’s national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, and the special envoy for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Richard Grenel, will receive the “Presidential Medal of Merit”.
